[Mpi-forum] Vote announcement for the March meeting of the MPI Forum

Thu Feb 23 08:27:53 CST 2023

Dear all,

I would like to make the following announcements:

I) I would like a "no-no" vote for issue#57 Deprecate MPI_HOST

- issue: https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/issues/57

- PR:  https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/pull/790

    Modifications since the reading:

        page 22: MPI_HOST has been added to the "deprecated and removed construct" table 2.1 + font for MPI_{LB/UB} has been harmonized with the rest of the table
        page 823: MPI_HOST has been put back in the corresponding Annex A table
        page 1002: reference to section and page of table 2.1 has been added

II) First vote on the same issue/PR if "no-no" passes

III) I would like to read an errata on missing MPI_Scan_init and MPI_Exscan_init from a sentence on collective taxonomy for inter-communicators
- issue: https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/issues/680
- PR: https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/pull/801

    Modifications brought by the PR:

        page 181: add MPI_Scan_init and MPI_Exscan_init to the appropriate sentence
        page 182: fix the font for MPI_Reduce_init in a subsequent list

Best regards,
Julien J.

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