[Mpi3-rma] Call for errata
Jim Dinan
dinan at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jan 28 16:51:12 CST 2013
Hi Hubert,
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I can tell, every type
that is internal to the MPI implementation (including Fortran and pair
types) are "predefined".
The F90 types are described as predefined in the standard (pg. 617-618).
MPI_WCHAR is also predefined (pg. 665).
Tables 3.x say "predefined" in the table caption.
This wording was copied from the original MPI_Accumulate text in MPI
2.2, so if predefined is not all-encompassing, we may not be able to fix
this as an erratum.
Re: Ticket 350 -- I think we fixed this with ticket 355. Could you take
a look at that ticket and see if this clears up your concerns?
Thanks for your detailed feedback!
On 1/28/13 1:04 PM, Hubert Ritzdorf wrote:
> Hi,
> Page 429, Line 41-42 specifies for MPI_Fetch_and_op:
> The datatype argument must be a predefined datatype.
> I think it should be:
> The datatype argument must be a predefined or MPI basic datatype (cf. Section 5.9.2 on page 176).
> Reasons:
> (*) This would be consistent to the reduce functions and MPI_Compare_and_swap
> and would allow handles returned by MPI_TYPE_CREATE_F90_INTEGER,
> (which are currently excluded since they are not predefined).
> (*) MPI_Compare_and_swap accepts handles created by
> MPI_TYPE_CREATE_F90_INTEGER (they are contained in Fortran integer category).
> (*) This proposed change support also atomic gets of MPI_WCHAR.
> Additionally, on Page 430, Line 39:
> predefined datatypes
> should be replaced by
> basic datatypes
> since Section 5.9.2 defines the MPI basic datatypes and not the predefined
> datatypes (which are defined in Tables 3.x).
> Ticket 350 (MPI_NO_OP in new accumulate functions, origin buffer arguments are ignored) should also
> state that the number of entries transferred is defined by target_count
> Hubert
> ________________________________________
> From: mpi3-rma-bounces at lists.mpi-forum.org [mpi3-rma-bounces at lists.mpi-forum.org] on behalf of Jim Dinan [dinan at mcs.anl.gov]
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2013 4:54 PM
> To: MPI 3.0 Remote Memory Access working group
> Subject: [Mpi3-rma] Call for errata
> Hi All,
> We are assembling the list of RMA errata to be voted on at the March
> meeting. Currently, we have tickets #347, #348, #350, and #355 (I'm
> working on official wording for these changes and will circulate it soon).
> Are there any other errata items that should be included on the agenda
> for the upcoming meeting?
> Thanks,
> ~Jim.
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