[Mpi3-rma] [EXTERNAL] Re: MPI-3 UNIFIED model clarification

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Sun Aug 4 19:38:47 CDT 2013

Pavan Balaji <balaji at mcs.anl.gov> writes:

> Sorry, wrong rule.  Here's the right one:
> "A put or accumulate must not access a target window once a load/store
> update or a put or accumulate update to another (overlapping) target
> window has started on a location in the target window, until the
> update becomes visible in the public copy of the window. Conversely, a
> store to process memory to a location in a window must not start once
> a put or accumulate update to that target window has started, until
> the put or accumulate update becomes visible in process memory. In
> both cases, the restriction applies to operations even if they access
> disjoint locations in the window."

Your example had P1 *reading* from that non-overlapping part of its own
memory.  If you change it to writing, then I see that the paragraph
above applies, and is extra overhead relative to UNIFIED.  Thanks.
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