[Mpi-forum] Meeting Registration Reminder and Voting Guidelines

Wesley Bland work at wesbland.com
Wed Jun 24 10:57:14 CDT 2020

Action Items:

1. Register for the meeting next week if you haven’t already.
2. Confirm that you are able to use the voting link and arrange who will vote from your org.


Hi all,

I just wanted to send out one final reminder for people to register for next week’s MPI Forum meeting. There are still a few orgs who usually attend but have not registered.

https://forms.gle/65bMTDiUQBmbJgjs9 <https://forms.gle/65bMTDiUQBmbJgjs9> 

The MPI Forum procedures state that you must both register and attend the meeting before the first voting block in order to be officially counted and to be eligible to vote. The first voting block is Tuesday at 9:30 AM Central US so that means you will need to have attended at least some portion of the Monday meeting and/or the very beginning of the Tuesday meeting in order to be eligible to vote in either voting block at the meeting.

If you’re not sure if you’ve registered, you can find the list of people here:

https://www.mpi-forum.org/meetings/2020/06/attendance <https://www.mpi-forum.org/meetings/2020/06/attendance> 

We will also be using the same voting system as from the last exceptional virtual meeting in May (JotForm). My understanding is that you will need to enable Javascript in your browser in order for this to work. If you’d like to double check that the voting page will work for you this time, you can use the voting page from last time using this link:

https://form.jotform.com/201253678123047?participantId=a1b2c3d4&name=Test_Name&org=Test_Org <https://form.jotform.com/201253678123047?participantId=a1b2c3d4&name=Test_Name&org=Test_Org>

When the voting block opens, I’ll be sending an automated email to the address you used to register with a personalized link for your ballot. If you didn’t provide an email address (I forgot to add an email address to the original registration form), I’ll be using the one you’ve usually been using for the MPI Forum. If you want to change the email address that I use, email me directly and let me know.

Remember that each organization only gets one vote (not one per person). So for those organizations with more than one representative, please make arrangements ahead of time to determine who will be casting the ballot for your organization. If I get more than one ballot from an organization, I will discard all but one of them (probably the first, maybe the last).

As always, if you have any questions or comments or think I’ve made any mistakes, please let me know on email or Slack.

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