[Mpi-forum] Reading announcement for June 2018 - issue 82

Skjellum, Anthony Tony-Skjellum at utc.edu
Mon May 28 05:53:11 CDT 2018

Hi all,

The Collective WG (with due respect to the RMA WG) would like to read issue 82 (PR 52),

Issue: <https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/issues/> https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/issues/82
PR:      https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/pull/52
PDF:   https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/files/2044757/mpi32-report-ticket82.pdf

There was some discussion on the issue once posted.  But, fyi, I am not aware of any objections from the RMA working group folks since this ticket was launched months ago.  This functionality is only about nonblocking variants of the constructors and a new destructor, not about communication operations.

As with all nonblocking operations, you can't use the output arguments (in this case, windows) till the operation completes; so the implications on communication operations is also clear... none.  What may be more "controversial" is an argument of what happens after a nonblocking destructor... so we need to look at both issues 78 and 82 together to get the same sort of semantics with nonblocking destructors in this regard between communicators, files, and windows.   I hope this reasoning and approach makes sense to those reviewing.  Issue 81 is also related too but focuses on DPM nonblocking constructors/destructor(s).

Thank you,

Tony Skjellum

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