[Mpi-forum] Voting / those who left early this week

Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) jsquyres at cisco.com
Fri Mar 15 08:48:33 CDT 2013

As of today, the new voting rules are in effect.  I have attached a copy of the 2013-03-15 procedures for your reading pleasure.  We'll get this PDF up on the web site soon, too.


The new rules have a notion of "quorum".  If enough organizations leave early, no ballots can take place.  For example, the following organizations attended the Forum meetings earlier in the week, but skipped Thursday's meeting (i.e., the voting):

- Kyushu U.
- Mellanox
- The Ohio State U.
- U. Alabama Birmingham
- U. Tokyo

Under the old rules, these abstains counted as "no", but luckily we still had plenty of "yes" votes to successfully vote in the errata.  

Under the new rules:

- Number of OOE organizations: 23
- Number of IMOVE organization: 21
- Meeting quorum: >2/3 OOE, or >15 organizations
- Individual ballot quorum: >3/4 IMOVE, or >15.75 organizations

With 5 organizations leaving early, we had 16 voting organizations.  This would have met quorum... barely.

Voting is important.  The schedule is published ahead of time.  Please plan your travel accordingly.  FWIW, I believe that the votes will be on the last day of the next meeting, too.

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
For corporate legal information go to: http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/
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