[Mpi-forum] Final version of the voting rules doc posted

Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) jsquyres at cisco.com
Wed Mar 13 13:11:58 CDT 2013

Per the discussion in the room today, I have posted a final version of the voting rules document on the agenda page:


*** This is the document that we will vote on tomorrow ***

Here are the changes since it was mailed out several weeks ago (all based on feedback from the room today):

0. The first chapter -- the archival document -- was split off into a separate document.  We are not voting on this document; it's just for historical note.

1. The final version number (1.3) and date (March 15, 2013) is on the title page.  If the document passes tomorrow, it will go into effect on March 15, 2013 -- i.e., after this current meeting.

2. All red text was changed to black.

3. Added to both "suggestions" section: proposals should be applicable both now and for the conceivable future.

4. Explicitly disallow proxy voting ("Proxies are not permitted.").

5. Errata changes must now be published by the errata editor.

6. Word smything of the rule to change the rules document.

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
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