[Mpi-forum] Pending MPI-3 text commits

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at cisco.com
Tue Oct 25 10:33:12 CDT 2011

(covering what was discussed in the room)

There was significant push back in the Forum today against publishing a draft at SC, mainly because all the stuff that has been passed at Santorini is still not yet committed to, and properly reviewed in, the official MPI3 SVN branch.  The feeling is that there is not enough time to get it all committed and reviewed properly before SC, especially since we're all already over-committed before SC.

The proposal on the table here is to get all the commits done and properly reviewed by January.  This is based on a realistic look at how much time people will have to get these tasks done properly.  

There's a bunch of 2nd votes coming up in January -- the idea is to get all the Santorini-2nd-votes done, committed, and reviewed before all the January 2nd votes (assumedly) get passed and we start that committing process.

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
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