[Mpi-forum] Feb 7-9 MPI Forum meeting

Bronis R. de Supinski bronis at llnl.gov
Tue Feb 1 11:26:09 CST 2011

Rich and Torsten:

How about we switch the sparse collectives plenary
session with the profiling interfaces and external
interfaces sessions but also move the persistence
working group to Tuesday morning at the same time
as th first RMA working group session (instead of
at the same time as the second RMA WG session)?

That would allow many of us to finish at 4PM Tuesday...


On Tue, 1 Feb 2011, Torsten Hoefler wrote:

> Bronis,
>> Re:
>>> A couple of items:
>>>   - I just posted a revised agenda for Monday, to accommodate a special
>>> request.  If this is a problem for someone, please let me know.
>> It seems really bizarre to have the RMA plenary session
>> Monday afternoon so that we have plenaries all day Monday
>> only to have only the RMA working group session from 9-11AM
>> on Tuesday. The prior schedule allows many of us to finish
>> at 4 or 5PM on Monday. I think that schedule is highly preferable.
> I had the special request to move the RMA plenary to the first day.
> The reason is that I have to be in Washington on Tuesday and will only
> be around on Monday afternoon. Actually, it would be great if the Sparse
> Collective reading would also be on Monday instead of Tuesday (unless
> somebody else wants to read it). I don't need to attend the Profiling
> Interface and External Interfaces (even though they sound very
> interesting).
> I apologize for any inconvenience.
> Thanks & Best,
>  Torsten
> -- 
> bash$ :(){ :|:&};: --------------------- http://www.unixer.de/ -----
> Torsten Hoefler         | Performance Modeling and Simulation Lead
> Blue Waters Directorate | University of Illinois (UIUC)
> 1205 W Clark Street     | Urbana, IL, 61801
> NCSA Building           | +01 (217) 244-7736

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