[Mpi-forum] MPI user survey

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at cisco.com
Sun Nov 15 10:23:55 CST 2009

On Nov 14, 2009, at 5:00 PM, Rajeev Thakur wrote:

> > x. Which of the following best describes you?
> >     - User of MPI applications
> >     - MPI application developer
> >     - MPI implementer
> >     - Academic educator, student, or researcher
> >     - Program / project management
> >     - Other ________________
> Do you want to include library writers?


> > x. My MPI application would benefit from being able to reference  
> more
> >     than 2^31 data items in a single MPI function invocation.
> >      Strongly agree/1 ....... Strongly disagree/5
> >      Open comment: _________________________
> Perhaps the average person would more easily understand the following
> although it is not precise and doesn't cover I/O: "My MPI application
> would benefit from being able to send/receive more than 2 GB of data
> with a single MPI call". We will know if people want to communicate  
> data
> that large. Whether they could construct a contiguous type and do it
> today is a different story.

Yes, this -- and the other suggestions in this thread -- is better.   
I've updated the online survey.

FWIW, we shied away from saying "send" or "receive" here because it  
impacts pt2pt, collectives, one-sided, and file operations (where file  
operations have typically been the one cited that are the most  
problematic).  Hence, Josh and I settled on the word "reference".   
Does anyone have suggestions for better?

"My MPI application would benefit from being able to reference more  
than 2 billion items of data in a single MPI function invocation."

> > x. The following are a list of topics that the MPI Forum is
> >     considering for MPI-3.  Rank them in order of importance to your
> >     MPI applications:
> For the average person, for greater clarity, we could add "(1 = most
> important)"

Good point; done (for both ranking questions).

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com

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