[Mpi-22] Higher-level languages proposal

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at [hidden]
Mon Oct 13 16:47:35 CDT 2008

On Oct 13, 2008, at 10:46 AM, Supalov, Alexander wrote:

> Thanks. The 2.1.1, which was presented last time, in my opinion does  
> not
> seem to solve the right problem. Instead of defining a way for
> unambiguous addressing of the threads in MPI, which would eliminate  
> the
> MPI_Probe/Recv ambiguity and many other issues, it attempts to add yet
> another concept (this time, a message id) in the current situation  
> where
> any thread can do what they please.

I'm not quite sure I understand your proposal.

<... after typing out a lengthy/rambling discourse that made very  
little sense and was fraught with questions and ambiguities :-) ...>

Let's discuss this in Chicago; Rich has allocated 5-7pm on Monday for  
discussion of this proposal.  These are exactly the kinds of larger  
issues that we want to raise via this proposal.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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