[Mpi-21] Review of MPI-2.1 combined document

Richard Graham rlgraham at [hidden]
Mon Mar 3 18:28:57 CST 2008

Some comments on chapter 7:

Chapter 7:

Page 247 line 34:  MPI_VERSION should be 2

Page 250 lines 1-3: don't need to be red

Page 253 lines 1-2: don't need to be red

Page 253 line 14:  Do we want to refer to MPI-2 specifically, or just as
extended error handling ?

Page 262: lines 1-11:  Should MPI_ERR_KEYVAL be added to the list on page
261 ?

Page 264: lines 6-16, should this be changed to reflect NULL arguments to
MPI_Init() w/o backward reference to MPI 1.1 ?


On 3/3/08 3:39 PM, "Karl Feind" <kaf_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> Rolf & others,
> I have completed my review of Chapter 1 of the MPI 1 + 2 merging
> document.
> It looks pretty good.
> I did notice two sentences on page 4, section 1.4, lines 13 and 14
> that apply to MPT 1.2 but not to MPI 2.  This seems wrong in an MPI 2.1
> standard document.  Can we delete the following two sentences from the
> merged document?
> "Although no explicit support for threads is provided, the
> interface has been designed so as not to prejudice their use. With
> this version of MPI no support is provided for dynamic spawning
> of tasks."
> If we do that, we could combine the sentence at line 11 about MIMD and
> SPMD with the next paragraph that starts at line 15.  This is the sentence
> I'm referring to:
> "The interface is suitable for use by fully general MIMD
> programs, as well as those written in the more restricted style
> of SPMD."
> Karl Feind
> On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 10:19:18PM +0100, Rolf Rabenseifner wrote:
>> The first draft of the combined document MPI 1.x plus MPI 2.0
>> is ready for review !!!
>> All necessary files can be found via
>> http://www.hlrs.de/mpi/mpi21/
>> The files are stored in a restricted directory to prohibit that
>> search engines can find the drafts.
>> Dear reviewer:
>> Please print your chapter with colors (!) and check all merging decisions.
>> The colors will help to identify MPI 1.1-1.3 (black),
>> MPI-2.0 (magenta) and new text that was necessary for the merge (red).
>> The review should be finished a few days before the March meeting.
>> Please post your review results on mpi-21_at_[hidden] as reply to this
>> mail.
>> Please note, which chapter you reviewed.
>> Please refer with all comments exactly to page and line numbers of
>>  - MPI 1.1, the official Postscript version
>>  - MPI 2.0, the official Postscript version
>>  - MPI 2.1, draft 2008-02-23 from http://www.hlrs.de/mpi/mpi21/
>>  - and the merging plan 2008-02-23, that you can find at same directory
>> If you detect a problem, it is necessary that you try to propose
>> a solution in similar notation as used in the merging plan.
>> I have finished all except the merging of the MPI-1 C++ bindings
>> into the chapters' text, and except of merging the Annexes.
>> The Ballots 1-4 are also not included.
>> In the moment, you need to review only the "merging". Nothing more.
>> If you detect errors in the original standards, then please
>> go through normal procedure, i.e., through the MPI 2.1 and MPI 2.2
>> ballots.
>> And now, thank you very much that you have registered to do a
>> review (if you are on the list below, done in Jan.2008 meeting).
>> Good luck.
>> Best regards
>> Rolf
>> ----------------------------------------------------
>> Frontmatter: (I've done a new proposal for the abstract, please check)
>>          - Rusty Lusk, Bill Gropp
>> Chap. 1: Introduction to MPI
>>          - Rusty Lusk, Bill Gropp, Karl Feind, Adam Moody
>> Chap. 2: MPI-2 Terms and Conventions
>>          - Tony Skjellum, Bill Gropp, Richard Barrett
>> Chap. 3: Point-to-Point Communication (incl. sections from MPI-2 Misc. + 8.9)
>>          - Rich Graham, Jespar Larsson Traeff, George Bosilca,
>>            Steve Poole, Kannan Narasimhan, David Solt, B. Gropp, Matt Koop
>> Chap. 4: Collective Communication (incl. sections from MPI-2 Ext. Collect.)
>>          - Steven Ericsson-Zenith, Edgar Gabriel, Rajeev Thakur,
>>            Bill Gropp, Adam Moody, Georg Bosilca
>> Chap. 5: Groups, Context, and Communicators
>>          (incl. sections from MPI-2 Ext.Col. + 8.8)
>>          - Steven Ericsson-Zenith, Edgar Gabriel,
>>            Bill Gropp, Georg Bosilca, Robert Blackmore
>> Chap. 6: Process Topologies
>>          - Rusty Lusk, Bill Gropp, Richard Barrett
>> Chap. 7: MPI Environmental Management (incl. sections from MPI-2 Misc.)
>>          - Rich Graham, Jespar Larsson Traeff, George Bosilca,
>>            Steve Poole, Kannan Narasimhan, David Solt, B. Gropp
>> Chap. 8: Miscellany
>>          - Rich Graham, George Bosilca,
>>            Steve Poole, Kannan Narasimhan, B. Gropp
>> Chap. 9: Process Creation and Management
>>          - Dries Kimpe, Rusty Lusk, Georg Bosilca, Bill Gropp,
>>            Kalem Karian
>> Chap. 10: One-Sided Communication
>>           - Ericsson-Zenith, Jespar Larsson Traeff, Martin Schulz,
>>             Bill Gropp, Darius Buntinas
>> Chap. 11: External Interfaces
>>           - Bronis de Supinski, Bill Gropp
>> Chap. 12: I/O 
>>           - Rajeev Thakur, Joachim Worringen, Bill Gropp
>> Chap. 13: Language Bindings
>>           - Jeff Squyres, Steve Poole, Purushotham Bangalore,
>>             Bill Gropp, Erez Haba, Alexander Supalov
>> Chap. 14: Profiling Interface
>>           - Bronis de Supinski, Bill Gropp, Jeff Brown
>> Bibliography: (is done automatically)
>>           - Rusty Lusk, Bill Gropp
>> Annex A:  (this chapter is not yet done - therefore no review for this)
>>           - Jeff Squyres, Steve Poole, Purushotham Bangalore,
>>             Bill Gropp, Alexander Supalov
>> Index: (is done automatically)
>>           - Rusty Lusk, Bill Gropp
>> Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email rabenseifner_at_[hidden]
>> High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-65530
>> University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 / 685-65832
>> Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . . www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
>> Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring 30)
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