[Mpi-21] Review of MPI-2.1 combined document

Rajeev Thakur thakur at [hidden]
Mon Mar 3 19:37:19 CST 2008

Comments on Chapter 4 (Collective Communication) of MPI 2.1, draft

* This chapter is a merge without change of the original collective comm
chapter in MPI-1 and the chapter on extended collective ops in MPI-2. As a
result, it uses the terms MPI-1, MPI-2, MPI-1.2 all over the place. Are we
still retaining this distinction? If not, the text would need to be edited
carefully to remove those terms. (Not doing it here.)

* The introductory text from the original chapter in MPI-2.0 makes sense
when it is viewed as an extension (add-on) to the chapter in MPI-1. But that
text in its new location in Section 4.3 does not make sense as it is,
because it appears before any of the collective functions have been
introduced. Section 4.3 needs some careful editing to make it fit in its new
position. (Not doing it here.)

* pg 128, ln 5: Say "For intracommunicators, MPI_Barrier blocks the
caller..." and delete the first sentence on ln 7 "For MPI-2, comm may be an
intercomm or intracomm"

* The already officially approved errata, which appear under "MPI 2.0
Errata" at http://www.mpi-forum.org/mpi2_1/index.htm need to be incorporated
in this chapter.

* Chapter 5 on Intercommunication says: "An inter-communicator cannot be
used for collective communication." ln 48, pg 200. That needs to be deleted.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: mpi-21-bounces_at_[hidden] 
> [mailto:mpi-21-bounces_at_[hidden]] On Behalf Of Rolf 
> Rabenseifner
> Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008 3:19 PM
> To: Mailing list for discussion of MPI 2.1
> Subject: [Mpi-21] Review of MPI-2.1 combined document
> The first draft of the combined document MPI 1.x plus MPI 2.0
> is ready for review !!!
> All necessary files can be found via
> http://www.hlrs.de/mpi/mpi21/
> The files are stored in a restricted directory to prohibit that
> search engines can find the drafts.
> Dear reviewer:
> Please print your chapter with colors (!) and check all 
> merging decisions.
> The colors will help to identify MPI 1.1-1.3 (black), 
> MPI-2.0 (magenta) and new text that was necessary for the merge (red).
> The review should be finished a few days before the March meeting.
> Please post your review results on mpi-21_at_[hidden] as reply to this
> mail.
> Please note, which chapter you reviewed.
> Please refer with all comments exactly to page and line numbers of
>  - MPI 1.1, the official Postscript version
>  - MPI 2.0, the official Postscript version
>  - MPI 2.1, draft 2008-02-23 from http://www.hlrs.de/mpi/mpi21/
>  - and the merging plan 2008-02-23, that you can find at same 
> directory
> If you detect a problem, it is necessary that you try to propose
> a solution in similar notation as used in the merging plan.
> I have finished all except the merging of the MPI-1 C++ bindings
> into the chapters' text, and except of merging the Annexes.
> The Ballots 1-4 are also not included.
> In the moment, you need to review only the "merging". Nothing more.
> If you detect errors in the original standards, then please
> go through normal procedure, i.e., through the MPI 2.1 and MPI 2.2
> ballots.
> And now, thank you very much that you have registered to do a 
> review (if you are on the list below, done in Jan.2008 meeting).
> Good luck.
> Best regards
> Rolf
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Frontmatter: (I've done a new proposal for the abstract, please check)
>          - Rusty Lusk, Bill Gropp
> Chap. 1: Introduction to MPI 
>          - Rusty Lusk, Bill Gropp, Karl Feind, Adam Moody
> Chap. 2: MPI-2 Terms and Conventions 
>          - Tony Skjellum, Bill Gropp, Richard Barrett
> Chap. 3: Point-to-Point Communication (incl. sections from 
> MPI-2 Misc. + 8.9) 
>          - Rich Graham, Jespar Larsson Traeff, George Bosilca,
>            Steve Poole, Kannan Narasimhan, David Solt, B. 
> Gropp, Matt Koop
> Chap. 4: Collective Communication (incl. sections from MPI-2 
> Ext. Collect.) 
>          - Steven Ericsson-Zenith, Edgar Gabriel, Rajeev Thakur,
>            Bill Gropp, Adam Moody, Georg Bosilca
> Chap. 5: Groups, Context, and Communicators 
>          (incl. sections from MPI-2 Ext.Col. + 8.8)
>          - Steven Ericsson-Zenith, Edgar Gabriel,
>            Bill Gropp, Georg Bosilca, Robert Blackmore
> Chap. 6: Process Topologies 
>          - Rusty Lusk, Bill Gropp, Richard Barrett
> Chap. 7: MPI Environmental Management (incl. sections from 
> MPI-2 Misc.) 
>          - Rich Graham, Jespar Larsson Traeff, George Bosilca,
>            Steve Poole, Kannan Narasimhan, David Solt, B. Gropp
> Chap. 8: Miscellany 
>          - Rich Graham, George Bosilca,
>            Steve Poole, Kannan Narasimhan, B. Gropp
> Chap. 9: Process Creation and Management 
>          - Dries Kimpe, Rusty Lusk, Georg Bosilca, Bill Gropp,
>            Kalem Karian
> Chap. 10: One-Sided Communication 
>           - Ericsson-Zenith, Jespar Larsson Traeff, Martin Schulz,
>             Bill Gropp, Darius Buntinas
> Chap. 11: External Interfaces 
>           - Bronis de Supinski, Bill Gropp
> Chap. 12: I/O 
>           - Rajeev Thakur, Joachim Worringen, Bill Gropp
> Chap. 13: Language Bindings 
>           - Jeff Squyres, Steve Poole, Purushotham Bangalore,
>             Bill Gropp, Erez Haba, Alexander Supalov
> Chap. 14: Profiling Interface 
>           - Bronis de Supinski, Bill Gropp, Jeff Brown
> Bibliography: (is done automatically)
>           - Rusty Lusk, Bill Gropp
> Annex A:  (this chapter is not yet done - therefore no review 
> for this)
>           - Jeff Squyres, Steve Poole, Purushotham Bangalore,
>             Bill Gropp, Alexander Supalov
> Index: (is done automatically)
>           - Rusty Lusk, Bill Gropp
> Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email rabenseifner_at_[hidden]
> High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-65530
> University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 / 685-65832
> Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . . www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
> Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring 30)
> _______________________________________________
> Mpi-21 mailing list
> Mpi-21_at_[hidden]
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