[Mpi-21] TODO - AUTHORS of MPI-2.1 - Workplan

Bronis R. de Supinski bronis at [hidden]
Wed Apr 2 15:03:07 CDT 2008


I have finished editing chapter 14: Profiling. I have
attached the modified prof.tex since I do not yet have
write access. More importantly, either there is a problem
with the 2.1 macros or I am doing something wrong (I think
it is the first but I am not LaTex fluent enough to be
certain). Specifically, the first letter of the word
following the end markers does not appear in the generated
PDF. I would appreciate it if you could look into which it is.

Another observation is that the macro does not work around
empty sections. In particular, I tried to mark the section
that I moved with the macros, with the original text commented
out. I tried to do the same for some MPI-1.0 text that was
contradictory to or redundant with the text that I moved.
Having those empty macro regions caused the compile to fail.
It might be nice to have some way to flag the deleted text,
with the convention, at least for now, of just commenting
it out and not to delete it entirely from the file.

Let me know if I am doing things right here and then I will
move on to fixing chapter 11: External Interfaces. Thanks,


On Wed, 2 Apr 2008, Rolf Rabenseifner wrote:

> Dear Bill, Tony, Rich, Adam, Dick, Jesper, George, David, Bronis,
>      Rajeev, Jeff, and Alexander,
> you are responsible for one ore more chapters of MPI-2.1 until the
> meeting.
> It is a tough schedule:
> -----------------------
>  * Tues, April 1, my ROUND ONE is finished and the write token is
>          logically passed to all chapter authors:
>           - You have read access to the source (via SVN) and the pdf.
>           - You have write access to your local SVN copy.
>           - You will get write access to the SVN in a few days.
>  * Fri., April 11, chapter authors have finished ROUND TWO.
>          - This is a hard deadline (because I've to go on travel)
>  * Sat., April 12, I will produce mpi-report.pdf as basis for review
>          (I cannot do later, because April 14-17, I'm on travel)
>  * Mon.-Thu., April 14-17, strong review by the reviewer group
>  * Fri., April 18, reviews - if necessary must be included -
>          by the chapter authors
>  * Sat., April 19, I will produce final mpi-report.pdf
>          which is basis for
>          - final reviews through the reviewer group
>          - official reading at the April 28-30, 2008 meeting.
>          (I cannot do later because I'm on travel April 20-26)
> The goals of your work as chapter author:
> -----------------------------------------
> - Remove references to MPI-1 and MPI-2.
> - Substitute by MPI.
> - Necessary modifications to achieve this goal.
> With this, we should have a single MPI-2.1 standard that does
> not "know" the MPI-1 or MPI-2 history of individual functions.
> ** This should be mainly a task in the area of chapter-introductions.
> ** Please, never change the wording of function definitions.
> Exceptions:
> - There are routines that are deprecated and that are
>   already referenced in a consistent way.
>   My recommendation:
>    Current wording:
>      There are *new* function, and existing are now deprecated.
>    Proposal:
>      There are functions, and there exist also deprecated functions
>      with (nearly) same functionality but deprecated due to some lack
>      in the bindings (or functionality)
> - There is history information in the frontmatter.
> - there is a change-log annex with limited memory (only previous version)
> Technical editing rule:
> -----------------------
> You must identify all of your changes:
> a) new/modified wording - you are highlighting your new/modified wording with:
> \mpiiidotiMergeNEWforSINGLEbegin% MPI-2.1 round-two - begin of modification
> .... your modified / new wording ....
> \mpiiidotiMergeNEWforSINGLEendI% MPI-2.1 round-two - end of modification
> b) Moved paragraphs, sentences, ... - you are highlighting the first word
>    of the moved text with:
> \mpiiidotiMergeNEWforSINGLEbegin% MPI-2.1 round-two - begin of text-move
> First-word
> \mpiiidotiMergeNEWforSINGLEendI% MPI-2.1 round-two - ongoing text-move
> ... rest of the moved text....
> % MPI-2.1 round-two - end of text-move
> Caution: These macros work only in black parts of the text.
> In blue parts you must substitute
>   \mpiiidotiMergeNEWforSINGLEendI%
> by
>   \mpiiidotiMergeNEWforSINGLEendII%
> The highlighting is done with red color.
> (There are only a few other sentences from me magenta.
>  Therefore red should be the best to highlight the round-two modifications.)
> Rsponsibilities:
> ----------------
>  * Frontmatter        mpi-report.tex  Bill Gropp
>  * Acknowledgements   credits.tex     Rich Graham(text) + Rolf(emails-auth.)
>  * 1. Introduction    intro.tex       Bill Gropp
>  - 2. Terms           terms-2.tex     Tony Skjellum
>  * 3. Point-to-point  pt2pt.tex       Rich Graham
>  * 4. Collectives     coll.tex        Adam Moody
>  * 5. Groups, etc.    context.tex     Dick Treumann
>  - 6. Toplogies       topol.tex       Jesper Traeff
>  * 7. Environment     inquiry.tex     George Bosilca
>  - 8. Miscellany      misc-2.tex      Jesper Traeff
>  - 9. Process Crea... dynamic-2.tex   David Solt
>  - 10. One-sided Comm one-sided-2.tex Jepser Traeff
>  - 11. External Int.  ei-2.tex        Bronis de Supinski
>  - 12. IO             io-2.tex        Rajeev Thakur
>  - 13. Lang.Binding   binding-2.tex   Jeff Squyres
>  - 14. Profiling      prof.tex        Bronis de Supinski
>  - 15. Deprecated     deprecated.tex  Rolf Rabenseifner
>  - Annex A Lang.Bind. appLang*.tex, MAKE-APPLANG Alexander Supalov
>  - Annex B Change-log changes.tex     Rolf Rabenseifner
>  - Bibliography       refs.bib        Bill Gropp
>  - Index              MAKE-FUNC-INDEX Rolf Rabenseifner
> Legende: - Chapter is mainly taken from MPI-1.1 or MPI-2.0,
>            only small work expected
>          * There was a significant merge, or new text, or ...,
>            more work expected
> I wish you a good start and good luck with your chapter.
> Best regards
> Rolf
> Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email rabenseifner_at_[hidden]
> High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-65530
> University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 / 685-65832
> Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . . www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
> Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring 30)

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