[mpiwg-tools] Meeting reminder - performance tools

Marc-Andre Hermanns hermanns at jara.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Sep 15 06:48:22 CDT 2016

Hi all,

This is your friendly reminder of our regularly
scheduled Tools WG call *today* at 11 a.m. EDT.

This week's focus is performance tools.

The link is here:

I didn't get to writing the text for the standard yet, but updated the
current state of the interface (attached) according our discussion
last time. Today, I just want to make sure if this is really what we
discussed and more importantly what we want. ;-)

Also, please write me an email if you still need access to the
repository for the MPI_T event header file. I will send you an invitation.

Looking forward to talking to you.

Marc-Andre Hermanns
Jülich Aachen Research Alliance,
High Performance Computing (JARA-HPC)
Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)

Schinkelstrasse 2
52062 Aachen

Phone: +49 2461 61 2509 | +49 241 80 24381
Fax: +49 2461 80 6 99753
email: hermanns at jara.rwth-aachen.de

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/// @brief Event handler prototype to be implemented by the tool.
/// @param[in] event
///     Event handle of triggered event
/// @param[in,out] user_data
///     User data provided on event handle creation
/// @note Obviously there are restrictions to signal-safety regarding
///     callback functions. However, in Section 2.9.2 of the MPI Standard
///     it is stated that MPI does not make any asumptions about signal-
///     safety. We need to clarify this, maybe in an "Advice to Users".
typedef (void)(*MPI_T_event_handler_func)(MPI_T_event event,
                                          void*       user_data);

/// @brief Registration flags
/// @note In the initial version of the interface, where only synchronous events
///     are allowed, only the synchronous event mode will be defined.
typedef enum {
    MPI_T_EVENT_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS  = 0, ///< Event is triggered as it occurs
    MPI_T_EVENT_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS = 1, ///< Event is accumulated in a buffer
} MPI_T_Event_mode;

/// @brief Get number of supported events
/// @param[out] num_events
///     Number of events defined
MPI_T_event_get_num(int* num_events);

/// @brief Get event information for an event at a given index
/// @param[in] index,
///     Event index
/// @param[out] name
///     Unique name of the event
/// @param[out] name_len
///     Length of the name
/// @param[out] desc
///     Description of the event
/// @param[out[ desc_len
///     Length of the string/buffer %desc
/// @param[out] class
///     Event class
/// @param[in,out] list_of_datatypes
///     List of datatypes used to encode event data
/// @param[in,out] num_elements
///     Size of the allocated array (in) and number of elements
///     written to the array by the runtime (out)
/// @param[out] bind
///     Object type this event is bound to
/// @param[out] mode
///     Flag field indicating event characteristics, e.g., synchronicity
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code, Error code is returned if list_of_datatypes is
///     too small.
MPI_T_event_get_info(int           index,
                     char*         name,
                     int*          name_len,
                     char*         desc,
                     int*          desc_len,
                     int*          verbosity,
                     MPI_Datatype* list_of_datatypes,
                     int*          num_elements,
                     int*          bind,
                     int*          mode);

/// @brief Get event index for a given name
/// @param[in] name
///     NULL-terminated string specifying the event name
/// @param[out] index
///     Event index
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code
MPI_T_event_get_index_by_name(char* name, int* index);

/// @brief Get event index for a given event handle
/// @param[in] event_handle
///     Event handle to query for index
/// @param[out] index
///     Event index
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code
MPI_T_event_get_index_by_handle(MPI_T_event_handle event_handle,
                                int*               index);

/// @brief Register an event and allocate handle
/// @param[in] index
///     Event index
/// @param[in] obj_handle
///     Concrete MPI handle (e.g., MPI_Comm, MPI_File, ...), not a pointer to a handle.
/// @param[in] user_data
///     Pointer to user data for this registration
/// @param[out] event_handle
///     New event handle
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code
/// @note This call does not block until the event is registered. The runtime
///     will register the event at the earliest possible time, but may delay
///     the concrete time beyond the end of this call.
MPI_T_event_register(int                      index,
                     void*                    obj_handle,
                     void*                    user_data,
                     MPI_T_event_handler_func event_handler,
                     MPI_T_event_handle*      event_handle);

/// @brief Unregister and deallocate an event handle
/// @param[in,out] event_handle
///     Event handle to unregister
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code
/// @note When is this unregistered? When would it be safe to deallocate
///     user_data? Could unregister block until 'done'?
MPI_T_event_unregister(MPI_T_event_handle* event_handle);

/// @brief Test a handle for validity
/// @param[in] event_handle
///     Event handle to test
/// @param[out] flag
///     Indicator whether an event handle is valid (registered)
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code: MPI_SUCCESS if handle is registered (i.e., valid)
///     and MPI_T_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE if handle is not registered (i.e., invalid).
MPI_T_event_is_registered(MPI_T_event_handle event_handle);

/// @brief Read next value from event handle
/// @param[in] event
///     Event instance that is querried for data
/// @param[in] datatype
///     Datatype to be read from event data
/// @param[in,out] buffer
///     User-allocated buffer where data is copied to.
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code
/// @note If NULL is passed as the buffer argument, the 
///     element is skipped.
/// @note Should we provide a means to explicitly end
///     the processing of this event?
/// @code
/// void
/// my_event_handler( MPI_T_event event, void* data) {
///    MPI_T_event_read(event, MPI_T_DOUBLE, &mystruct.time);
///    MPI_T_event_read(event, MPI_T_INT, &mystruct.rank);
///    MPI_T_event_read(event, MPI_T_INT, NULL);
///    MPI_T_event_read(event, MPI_T_UNSIGNED_LONG, &mystruct.id);
/// }
/// @endcode
MPI_T_event_read(MPI_T_event  event,
                 MPI_Datatype datatype,
                 void*        buffer);

/// @brief Copy event data to user provided buffer
/// @param[in] event
///     Event instance that is copied
/// @param[in,out] buffer
///     User-provided buffer
/// @param[in] size
///     Size of user-provided buffer
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code
/// @note Returns an error code if event data is truncated.
/// @note Should a truncation error lead to an abort?
/// @note How does a user deal with potential padding in the data?
///     Should this call require the data to be packed (without padding)?
MPI_T_event_copy(MPI_T_event event,
                 void*       buffer,
                 size_t      size);
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