[mpiwg-tools] Meeting reminder - performance tools

Marc-Andre Hermanns hermanns at jara.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Sep 1 05:26:12 CDT 2016

Hi all,

This is your friendly reminder of our regularly
scheduled Tools WG call *today* at 11 a.m. EDT.

This week's focus is performance tools.

The link is here:

The Agenda for today:
- Checklist for face-to-face in Edinburgh
- MPI_T Events (current version of Header attached)

Also, please write me an email if you still need access to the
repository for the MPI_T event header file. I will send you an invitation.

My plan is to discuss which text passages we need, to bring this
current header into a Standard text format that we can discuss at the

Furthermore, I'd like to discuss whether we want to get the
synchronous parts in first and then tackle the asynchronous, or
whether we want this to go in to a single big update to the MPI_T header.

Looking forward to talking to you.

Marc-Andre Hermanns
Jülich Aachen Research Alliance,
High Performance Computing (JARA-HPC)
Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC)

Schinkelstrasse 2
52062 Aachen

Phone: +49 2461 61 2509 | +49 241 80 24381
Fax: +49 2461 80 6 99753
email: hermanns at jara.rwth-aachen.de

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/// @brief Event handler prototype to be implemented by the tool.
/// @param[in] event
///     Event handle of triggered event
/// @param[in,out] user_data
///     User data provided on event handle creation
typedef (void)(*MPI_T_event_handler_func)(MPI_T_event event,
                                          void*       user_data);

/// @brief Registration flags
/// @note Asynchronous mode is not yet handled by this API.
typedef enum {
    MPI_T_EVENT_MODE_SYNCHRONOUS  = 0, ///< Event is triggered as it occurs
    MPI_T_EVENT_MODE_ASYNCHRONOUS = 1, ///< Event is accumulated in a buffer
} MPI_T_Event_mode;

/// @brief Get number of supported events
/// @param[out] num_events
///     Number of events defined
MPI_T_event_get_num(int* num_events);

/// @brief Get event information for an event at a given index
/// @param[in] index,
///     Event index
/// @param[out] name
///     Unique name of the event
/// @param[out] name_len
///     Length of the name
/// @param[out] desc
///     Description of the event
/// @param[out[ desc_len
///     Length of the string/buffer %desc
/// @param[out] class
///     Event class
/// @param[in,out] list_of_datatypes
///     List of datatypes used to encode event data
/// @param[in,out] num_elements
///     Size of the allocated array (in) and number of elements
///     written to the array by the runtime (out)
/// @param[out] bind
///     Object type this event is bound to
/// @param[out] mode
///     Flag field indicating event characteristics, e.g., synchronicity
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code, Error code is returned if list_of_datatypes is
///     too small.
MPI_T_event_get_info(int           index,
                     char*         name,
                     int*          name_len,
                     char*         desc,
                     int*          desc_len,
                     int*          verbosity,
                     MPI_Datatype* list_of_datatypes,
                     int*          num_elements,
                     int*          bind,
                     int*          mode);

/// @brief Get event index for a given name
/// @param[in] name
///     NULL-terminated string specifying the event name
/// @param[out] index
///     Event index
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code
MPI_T_event_get_index(char* name, int* index);

/// @brief Register an event and allocate handle
/// @param[in] index
///     Event index
/// @param[in] obj_handle
///     Concrete MPI handle (e.g., MPI_Comm, MPI_File, ...), not a pointer to a handle.
/// @param[in] user_data
///     Pointer to user data for this registration
/// @param[out] event
///     New event handle
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code
/// @note This call does not block until the event is registered. The runtime
///     will register the event at the earliest possible time, but may delay
///     the concrete time beyond the end of this call.
MPI_T_event_handle_alloc(int                      index,
                         void*                    obj_handle,
                         void*                    user_data,
                         MPI_T_event_handler_func event_handler,
                         MPI_T_event*             event);

/// @brief Unregister and deallocate an event handle
/// @param[in,out] event
///     Event handle to unregister
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code
/// @note When is this unregistered? When would it be safe to deallocate
///     user_data? Could unregister block until 'done'?
MPI_T_event_unregister(MPI_T_event* event);

/// @brief Read next value from event handle
/// @param[in] event_handle
///     Event handle
/// @param[in] datatype
///     Datatype to be read from event data
/// @param[in,out] buffer
///     User-allocated buffer where data is copied to.
/// @return
///     MPI_T return code
/// @note If NULL is passed as the buffer argument, the 
///     element is skipped.
/// @note Should we provide a means to explicitly end
///     the processing of this event?
/// @code
/// void
/// my_event_handler( MPI_T_event event, void* data) {
///    MPI_T_event_read(event, MPI_T_DOUBLE, &mystruct.time);
///    MPI_T_event_read(event, MPI_T_INT, &mystruct.rank);
///    MPI_T_event_read(event, MPI_T_INT, NULL);
///    MPI_T_event_read(event, MPI_T_UNSIGNED_LONG, &mystruct.id);
/// }
/// @endcode
MPI_T_event_read(MPI_T_event  event,
                 MPI_Datatype datatype,
                 void*        buffer);

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