[Mpi3-tools] New version of the MPIT Document

Marc-André Hermanns m.a.hermanns at grs-sim.de
Mon Oct 11 02:55:22 CDT 2010

Hi Martin,

thanks for the pointers. I couldn't quite relate the discussion from 
back then to the snowbird meeting. It's all coming back now ;)

I won't be present at the TelCon tomorrow, but will try to work
through and comment on your last document that you sent around.


>> I seemed to have missed the discussion of the snowbird comments.
>> Do you have some notes in electronic form that you could share.
>> It would make it easier to read the new document to see how they
>> relate to the comments.
> The workshop web page is:
> http://cscads.rice.edu/workshops/summer-2010/performance-tools
> It has all the slides that were presented, incl. the ones from the
> MPIT breakout session.
> Also, the notes from the MPI-3 tools WG TelCon discussing the
> workshop results are at:
> https://svn.mpi-forum.org/trac/mpi-forum-web/wiki/MPI3Tools/notes-2010-08-23

Marc-Andre Hermanns
German Research School for
Simulation Sciences GmbH
c/o Laboratory for Parallel Programming
52056 Aachen | Germany

Tel +49 241 80 99753
Fax +49 241 80 6 99753
Web www.grs-sim.de

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