[mpiwg-rma] RMA WG meeting today

Joseph Schuchart schuchart at icl.utk.edu
Thu Sep 22 07:54:05 CDT 2022

Dear all,

After a bit of a hiatus, I'd like to start the RMA WG meetings again 
today at 10am US Central / 11am Eastern / 5pm Central European. For 
today, I'd like to see how we can move the new window allocaction 
functions forward and prepare for the Forum meeting (and potential WG 
slot) next week.

Please note that I had to create a new meeting in Zoom as the old one 
expired. The coordinates are at the usual place: 
https://github.com/mpiwg-rma/mpi-standard/wiki. Please send me your 
github handle if you cannot access that page and I will add you to the 
list of WG members.


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