[mpiwg-rma] FW: [Mpi3-rma] [EXTERNAL] Re: MPI-3 UNIFIED model updates

Barrett, Brian W bwbarre at sandia.gov
Thu Aug 29 10:30:16 CDT 2013

On 8/28/13 7:22 PM, "Pavan Balaji" <balaji at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

>On 08/28/2013 03:47 PM, Barrett, Brian W wrote:
>> And, further, I believe
>> that:
>> X = 0
>> Win_lock_all
>> Recv
>> do { compiler_fence(); } while (0 == X);
>> will eventually complete on any platform that supports UNIFIED, as the
>> public and private copies are eventually consistent.  This gives us the
>> behaviors necessary for implementing SHMEM on MPI-3.
>Right, good point.  We could retain the definition that the public and
>private windows will eventually be the same without additional MPI calls.
>With that in mind, does requiring WIN_SYNC for immediate synchronization
>of the two windows + a statement that there might be
>implementation-specific ways (e.g., memory barriers) to do the same
>sound reasonable from an OpenSHMEM point-of-view?

To me, yes.


  Brian W. Barrett
  Scalable System Software Group
  Sandia National Laboratories

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