[Mpi3-rma] Linked List Example for RMA Chapter

James Dinan dinan at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Mar 8 15:29:23 CST 2011

Hi All,

I've been refining the linked list example we looked at several months 
ago for inclusion in the RMA chapter.

Previously, we had two versions: one that did put/get under exclusive 
lock and another that did CAS under exclusive lock.  This new version is 
lock free and demonstrates the following MPI-3 functionality: dynamic 
windows, lock all, flush, CAS, accumulate with replace, and get 
accumulate with no op.  The code can be compiled to a .o using the 
attached mpi3.h (for OpenMPI you may get a warning from MPI_NO_OP, 
define it to NULL instead of 0).

It's still a little on the long side; we're currently at roughly three 
pages and we were hoping for two.  We can try to squeeze and remove 
non-essential parts (e.g. maintaining the allocation list) if we want to 
save space.

If anybody can spare a few cycles, I would appreciate any feedback.

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