[mpiwg-p2p] Next meeting: 25th May 2015 11am Central US

Daniel Holmes dholmes at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Mon Apr 27 09:29:19 CDT 2015

Hi All,

I am cancelling the point-to-point teleconference today because I have 
not had time to progress the work on communicator assertions since last 
time and I am not aware of any other ongoing work for us to talk about.

Looking forward to figure out when the next meeting will take place, I 
won't be available for the next two teleconferences due to travelling. 
This means that the next meeting date would be 25th May, i.e. one week 
before the face-to-face meeting in Chicago.

I will send out a reminder nearer the time and will communicate any 
progress in the interim via email.


On 13/04/2015 10:32, Daniel Holmes wrote:
> Hi All,
> The next point-to-point teleconference will be today, Monday 13th 
> April 2015 at 11am Central US via webex.
> Connection details are on the point-to-point wiki page:
> https://svn.mpi-forum.org/trac/mpi-forum-web/wiki/PtpWikiPage
> Agenda:
> 0) Discuss/agree the to-do list (see below) that covers the next two 
> agenda items.
> 1) "Can INFO keys change the semantic behaviour of MPI?" issue - 
> following the discussion at the face-to-face meeting, we seem to have 
> a workable way forward on this issue!
> 2) New communicator INFO keys - it looks like these will be allowed, 
> so we should define a few and get a proposal ready for the next 
> face-to-face meeting
> 3) Progress on Arecv and Fsend or ReceiveReduce?
> 4) Other stuff?
> Cheers,
> Dan.
>> Hi All,
>> At the last telco meeting, Jim asked for a to-do list of the tasks 
>> needed to move communicator assertions forward. Please find below a 
>> first draft of such a task list. Could we agree that this is a good 
>> list? If you see something odd/missing, reply to this email group.
>> _To-do list for communicator assertions__
>> _
>> 0) Gather evidence to support "no-one will be affected by backwards 
>> incompatibility".
>>    (e.g. chase Pavan, who volunteered to do this for major MPICH users)
>> 1) Change behaviour of MPI_COMM_DUP so that INFO keys are *not* 
>> propagated to new comm.
>>    (include AtoU: if you want to dup INFO use MPI_COMM_DUP_WITH_INFO, 
>> with example)
>> 2) Discuss whether attributes (plus, anything else?) should be 
>> propagated by MPI_COMM_DUP.
>>    (default presumption is yes, they should still be propagated).
>> 3) Find all occurrence of language in the MPI Standard that suggests 
>> INFO keys are hints.
>> a) Change or remove any generic statements like "INFO keys cannot 
>> change semantics".
>>    (e.g. change to "cannot change observable semantics" or remove)
>> b) For each occurrence, determine if it should continue to suggest 
>> hint status
>>    (e.g. a particular key, most likely for the I/O keys but maybe 
>> also some RMA keys)
>> A) Convert ticket 381 into "make comm assertions doable" proposal (by 
>> Jun 2015 - Chicago?)
>> B) Get "no wildcard" INFO keys proposal ready for formal reading (by 
>> Jun 2015 - Chicago?)
>> C) Get "no ordering" INFO key proposal ready for formal reading (by 
>> Jun 2015 - Chicago?)
>> D) Get "no cancel" INFO keys proposal ready for formal reading (by 
>> Jun 2015 - Chicago?)
>> E) Discuss other INFO key proposals, e.g. "only wildcard", "no 
>> non-blocking", "no underflow"
>> Cheers,
>> Dan.
> -- 
> Dan Holmes
> Applications Consultant in HPC Research
> EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
> James Clerk Maxwell Building
> The Kings Buildings
> Peter Guthrie Tait Road
> Edinburgh
> EH9 3FD
> T: +44(0)131 651 3465
> E:dholmes at epcc.ed.ac.uk
> *Please consider the environment before printing this email.*

Dan Holmes
Applications Consultant in HPC Research
EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
The Kings Buildings
Peter Guthrie Tait Road
T: +44(0)131 651 3465
E: dholmes at epcc.ed.ac.uk

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