[mpiwg-p2p] Slide of the Channel

Takeshi Nanri nanri at cc.kyushu-u.ac.jp
Tue Dec 9 15:45:30 CST 2014

Hi all,

Please find attached the slide of my talk about Channel, today.

As far as I remember, the comments on the talk can be
summarized as the following two topics:

- Feasibility of the idea is not shown.
There should be technical details about how the low memory consumption
can be achieved.
First, the method for minimizing the memory consumption by MPI_COMM_WORLD
need to be shown. (May be by runtime options or MPI_Freeze)
Then, with this situation, the mechanisms for establishing connections of
channels shoulde be introduced.

- Requirement for this is not explicit.
At this point, there have been no requirements for dynamic disconnection.
(That is why this kind of technique has not been implemented in major
MPI libraries.)
Adaptive Mesh can be a candidate.
But, at this point, there is no complain about the memory consumption of
communication library from the programmers in that field.

Please notify me if there is anything I'm missing.


Takeshi Nanri
Kyushu University

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