[mpiwg-hybridpm] Meeting Today

Jim Dinan james.dinan at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 09:22:23 CDT 2014

Hi All,

I don't have any items for the agenda today.

We discussed the endpoints and address space query tickets at the Japan
meeting.  There were a couple small edits to endpoints, and the feedback we
received is that the changes are substantial enough to require a re-read at
the December meeting.  We couldn't read it in Japan because the meeting
didn't have a quorum.

The Forum feedback on the address space query ticket is not to pursue at
this time.  The feedback was that library writers should write more robust
libraries, and the standard doesn't need to provide a mechanism for
libraries to detect that they are written poorly.  In particular, using
communicator attributes to store library data and proper locking are the
right solutions.

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