[Mpi3-ft] EuroMPI Paper - Call for Co-Authors

Joshua Hursey jjhursey at open-mpi.org
Fri Apr 15 14:41:52 CDT 2011

As mentioned on the teleconf, I am leading an effort to summarize the Run-Through Stabilization proposal and submit it to EuroMPI 2011. The submission deadline is May 8, 2011. The focus of the paper will be on the interfaces and semantic modifications in the Run-Through Stabilization sub-proposal.

The creation of the current proposals involved a number of people over the years (some of which have disassociated from the group). I would like to recognize the effort of the whole group, but understand that some folks would rather not be identified as a co-author. So I am taking an opt-in strategy to authorship.

If you have contributed to the fault tolerance working group and wish to be a co-author on this paper, email me (directly, so as not to spam the list) and I will include you as a co-author on the paper. Even if you participated early on in the discussion and less so recently, that is fine.

Once you email me, I will give you access to the paper repository and the private mailing list. I chose to create a separate, private mailing list so as not to contaminate the potential EuroMPI reviewer pool - something that can occur if we keep discussion on the public list. This is in no way a mechanism to exclude folks, just to protect the reviewer pool.

So if you would like to be involved in the EuroMPI paper, send me an email (jjhursey -at- open -dash- mpi -dot- org) and I will send you back the necessary details. I am going to start writing on the paper early next week, so please let me know soon.


Joshua Hursey
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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