[MPIWG Fortran] Fortran hints on pages 52, 78, 103, 465, 507

William Gropp wgropp at illinois.edu
Fri Mar 21 13:03:42 CDT 2014

I'm sorry for not informing everyone; I was hurrying to get the draft ready.  However, it is incorrect to use different titles for the sections that the actual ones; it was in comparing them to the actual titles that I realized that they were incorrect when I could not find them by name.  It was also wrong to embed them as text (and in multiple places!), making it nearly impossible to keep them consistent.  In my rush, I may have over simplified.

Please remember that the standard is not a user manual nor is it a tutorial.  It is a standard.  The advice to users is intended to illuminate the standard, not provide guidance about how not to write code.  I'm very uncomfortable with the same text appearing in multiple places in the standard - once should be enough.

Finally, I find the old text useless - its so awkward to read that I just skip over it.  I frankly believe that the shortened version is *more* likely to be read and considered.  But this is my preference, and if the Fortran wg would like to propose text that is not incorrect, I'm happy to restore it.


William Gropp
Director, Parallel Computing Institute
Thomas M. Siebel Chair in Computer Science
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

On Mar 21, 2014, at 12:37 PM, Rolf Rabenseifner wrote:

> The titles are cited in a shortened and summarizing form.
> There seems to be nothing outdated or wrong.
> The cited sections are the most relevant for further reading.
> And it would be good if the process would include 
> that the relevant authors are informed when errors 
> are detected, in this case the Fortran WG together 
> with the chapter committee.
> The hints are based on reported experience that users of Fortran
> often fail to handle these issues in a correct way.
> Rolf
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "William Gropp" <wgropp at illinois.edu>
>> To: "Jim Dinan" <james.dinan at gmail.com>
>> Cc: "Jeff Hammond" <jeff.science at gmail.com>, "Rolf Rabenseifner" <rabenseifner at hlrs.de>, "David Solt"
>> <dsolt at us.ibm.com>, "Jeff Squyres" <jsquyres at cisco.com>, "Bill Gropp" <wgropp at uiuc.edu>, "Martin Schulz"
>> <schulzm at llnl.gov>, "George Bosilca" <bosilca at icl.utk.edu>, chap-terms at lists.mpi-forum.org
>> Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 5:42:54 PM
>> Subject: Re: MPI-Terms - 06 - Addresses and displacements
>> Here's the reason.  The text was incorrect, in large part because it
>> included out of date (read *wrong*) and totally unnecessary section
>> titles.  The source files have the explanation; from the first
>> occurrence of the incorrect text in the point-to-point chapter:
>> %% Note that a previous version of this included what it hoped were the
>> %% titles of the sections.  That hope was misplaced, as the section
>> %% titles had been changed.  Another example of the folly in trying to
>> %% keep multiple references manually synchronized.  The titles are really 
>> %% not necessary here, as the first sentance covers the general issues.
>> %% Attempting to enumerate them all is also a mistake, as it leaves out 
>> %% some that are also important.
>> If there is a better update, let me know.  There was no intent to
>> change the meaning of the text, only correct errors.
>> Bill
>> William Gropp
>> Director, Parallel Computing Institute Thomas M. Siebel Chair in
>> Computer Science
>> University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
>> On Mar 21, 2014, at 10:34 AM, Jim Dinan wrote:
>> According to SVN, this passage was commented out by gropp in r1711,
>> which has the following log entry:
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> r1711 | gropp | 2013-10-28 13:17:38 -0400 (Mon, 28 Oct 2013) | 1 line
>> Changed paths:
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/MAKE-APPLANG
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/chap-binding/binding-2.tex
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/chap-coll/coll.tex
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/chap-context/context.tex
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/chap-datatypes/datatypes.tex
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/chap-dynamic/dynamic-2.tex
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/chap-frontm/abstract-cpy.tex
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/chap-frontm/history.tex
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/chap-intro/intro.tex
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/chap-io/io-2.tex
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/chap-one-side/one-side-2.tex
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/chap-pt2pt/pt2pt.tex
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/chap-topol/topol.tex
>>    M /approved/MPI-3.1/getlatex
>> More updates
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Looking over the history, this appears to be part of a series of
>> LaTeX-related updates, and may have been unintentional.
>>  ~Jim.
>> On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Jeff Hammond <
>> jeff.science at gmail.com > wrote:
>> You can run SVN log/blame to see who removed the text. I have no idea
>> about this so I cannot discuss the process by which it came to pass.
>> Jeff
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 21, 2014, at 5:48 AM, Rolf Rabenseifner <
>>> rabenseifner at hlrs.de > wrote:
>>> Hi Jim and all,
>>> a really negative surprise was that Fortran related text
>>> was removed from the approved svn without
>>> discussing this together with the Fortran working group.
>>> This is the fastest way to get additional inconsistencies
>>> into the MPI standard.
>>> George and Jeff H. as Chap.4 committee,
>>> please can you check the process and tell me what went wrong.
>>> This will be also an input for the discussion how to keep
>>> or get the document consistent.
>>> The probably lost text portion is MPI-3.0 p103:42-46.
> ...
> -- 
> Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email rabenseifner at hlrs.de
> High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-65530
> University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 / 685-65832
> Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . . www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
> Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . . . . (Office: Room 1.307)

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