[MPIWG Fortran] Another MPI_SIZEOF question

Jeff Hammond jeff.science at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 07:35:08 CDT 2014

>> > > We should stop being language nazis and just accept "Fortran 77" to
>> > > mean what people intend, which is legacy Fortran, e.g. Fortran codes
>> > > that use mpif.h rather than one of the modules.
>> > No.
>> I think you meant "nein!" :-P
> I went for the short answer because, frankly, there are so many wrong things with your statement that I just didn't know where to begin.  :-)

Ah, what you really meant was "Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig, es ist
nicht einmal falsch!" :-)

What shorthand will you permit for what is meant when Bill and I refer
to Fortran 77 support in MPI that distinguishes it from F90 and F08
module support?


Jeff Hammond
jeff.science at gmail.com

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