[mpiwg-coll] [Mpi-forum] Reminder: MPI Virtual Meeting THIS Wednesday Oct. 24.
d.holmes at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Thu Oct 25 08:01:39 CDT 2018
Hi Tony,
What technology are we using to connect? The normal webex is still scheduled for Wed - so won’t work today.
Dr Daniel Holmes PhD
Applications Consultant in HPC Research
d.holmes at epcc.ed.ac.uk<mailto:d.holmes at epcc.ed.ac.uk>
Phone: +44 (0) 131 651 3465
Mobile: +44 (0) 7940 524 088
Address: Room 2.09, Bayes Centre, 47 Potterrow, Central Area, Edinburgh, EH8 9BT
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
On 24 Oct 2018, at 13:42, Anthony Skjellum via mpiwg-coll <mpiwg-coll at lists.mpi-forum.org<mailto:mpiwg-coll at lists.mpi-forum.org>> wrote:
With apologies, for those attending, we will do this next on Thursday October 25, November 1, and November 8---forgot about the shift of weekend vis a vis Israel and US/Europe,
so Friday isn't good. No meeting on November 15, 22 (SC and Thanksgiving respectively). We will go back to Wednesday meetings on December 5, 12, 19, skipping
December 26 and January 2. So first 2019 meeting will be January 9.
Please attend today's virtual meeting on MPI-4.
On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 6:52 AM Tony Skjellum <skjellum at gmail.com<mailto:skjellum at gmail.com>> wrote:
Anthony Skjellum, PhD
On Oct 24, 2018, at 6:49 AM, Anthony Skjellum <skjellum at icloud.com<mailto:skjellum at icloud.com>> wrote:
Our weekly meeting of persistent and collective is hereby moved to 9am eastern USA time this Friday and all Friday’s till virtual meetings end ...
Anthony Skjellum, PhD
Begin forwarded message:
From: Martin Schulz via mpi-forum <mpi-forum at lists.mpi-forum.org<mailto:mpi-forum at lists.mpi-forum.org>>
Date: October 24, 2018 at 5:23:53 AM EDT
To: Wesley Bland via mpi-forum <mpi-forum at lists.mpi-forum.org<mailto:mpi-forum at lists.mpi-forum.org>>
Cc: Martin Schulz <schulzm at in.tum.de<mailto:schulzm at in.tum.de>>
Subject: [Mpi-forum] Reminder: MPI Virtual Meeting THIS Wednesday Oct. 24.
Reply-To: Main MPI Forum mailing list <mpi-forum at lists.mpi-forum.org<mailto:mpi-forum at lists.mpi-forum.org>>
Hi all,
Just as a reminder, today (i.e., THIS Wednesday) we will have our next virtual meeting in this quarter. The webex information can be reached via
The topic will be a discussion on how we want to proceed with the MPI standard in general, what our roadmap is and how much we want to stick to backwards compatibility. This topic come out of a discussion towards the end of the MPI Forum in Barcelona and was triggered on how to handle “BigCount”, but then quickly went much wider. We ended up with a large majority (of those present only, of course) wanting to investigate this further and possible opting for something we called a “fork” of the standard, i.e., having an MPI 3.x line and an MPI 4.x line, which would no longer be backwards compatible, but still composable. The meeting today is intended to be an open discussion to a) continue the discussion from Barcelona and to b) get the pulse from people who were not at the meeting.
Prof. Dr. Martin Schulz, Chair of Computer Architecture and Parallel Systems
Department of Informatics, TU-Munich, Boltzmannstraße 3, D-85748 Garching
Email: schulzm at in.tum.de<mailto:schulzm at in.tum.de>
mpi-forum mailing list
mpi-forum at lists.mpi-forum.org<mailto:mpi-forum at lists.mpi-forum.org>
Anthony Skjellum, PhD
skjellum at gmail.com<mailto:skjellum at gmail.com>
Cell: +1-205-807-4968
mpiwg-coll mailing list
mpiwg-coll at lists.mpi-forum.org<mailto:mpiwg-coll at lists.mpi-forum.org>
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