[mpi3-coll] Mid-meeting Teleconference Details and Agenda

Torsten Hoefler htor at cs.indiana.edu
Sun Feb 10 22:12:33 CST 2008


Our first teleconference will be held on Tuesday, 2/12/08 at noon
(12:00pm). Dial-in details:

Conf Id:         11487
Date:            2/12/2008
Begin Time:      11:55:00 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
End Time:        2:15:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Phone Number:    (812) 856-3600
Participant PIN: 000403#

The goal for this meeting will be to firm up the areas of activity
that have been discussed for MPI3 collectives. In particular, we would
like to get consensus from our group on our initial list of areas and
also some volunteers for leaders and participants in each topic.

We will also begin discussions of those areas for which some proposals
have already been made. Attached is a tentative agenda for this call.

1) Discuss the tentative Agenda (Andrew)

2) Non-blocking Collective Operations (Torsten)
a) Discuss Importance of Tags
b) Discuss pro/con of multiple mutstanding Collectives at a single
c) Discuss the MPI-Forum Approach (Colls in a Thread)
d) Discuss matching Semantics (Blocking and Non-blocking)
e) Request Freeing and Cancellation Issues
f) Progression (let's at least mention it ;)

3) Topological Collectives (Torsten)
a) Discussing Extensions of the Current Proposal
b) Comparison to Alltoallv (genericity?)
c) Scalability Issues with Graph Topologies

4) Sparse Collective Communication (Andrew)

5) New Collective Operations (Jesper?)

6) Persistent Collectives (Jesper?)

7) Modularity of Extensions

 Andrew Lumsdaine and Torsten Hoefler

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Indiana University    | http://www.indiana.edu
Open Systems Lab      | http://osl.iu.edu/
150 S. Woodlawn Ave.  | Bloomington, IN, 474045-7104 | USA
Lindley Hall Room 135 | +01 (812) 855-3608

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