[Mpi3-wgleads] Call for time slots at the next meeting

Torsten Hoefler htor at [hidden]
Fri May 30 14:44:39 CDT 2008

On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 10:56:39AM -0400, Rich L. Graham wrote:
> In preparation for our next meeting, June 30 - July 2nd in Menlo Park, I
> need the following items from each of you:
>   - The time slots you need for wg meetings
we would need a time slot for the coll-wg in the next meeting :)

>   - Requests for items to be brought before the full forum
we would like to give a short overview of our efforts (30-45mins) in
front of the full forum in order to gather some early feedback on the
tag issues and our new interface.

> Also, there is interest in seeing if we can get users to come to the meeting
> for a short time, to be briefed on our current (still being hatched) plans.
> If we do indeed go ahead with this, I will ask each of you to have about a
> 10 minute presentation (up from 5) at the beginning of the meeting to brief
> both the Forum and the users of current status and plans.
Great! This is very much appreciated by our WG!

Thanks & Best,

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