[Mpi3-bwcompat] Ticket 265 ready for review

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at [hidden]
Fri Feb 4 14:24:04 CST 2011

On Feb 3, 2011, at 10:42 PM, Solt, David George wrote:

> Attached is a first draft at the pdf.   I'm having trouble with chapter 4, my "ticket" sections are being applied to strange texts that I didn't mark, etc.   I'll work on it more tomorrow, but the new text is there (just in the wrong color).   
> Here are some issues I came across as I did the pdf.   I did NOT change these in the tex/pdf yet, but bring them to your attention first:
> P16, line 13 change:  "width and encode address values" should be "width and encode count values"  or "width and encode an number of datatype values" ?  

We resolved this on the call today.

> MPI_Scatterw definition uses sendtype in the argument list, but sendtypes in the argument list description.

Should all be "sendtypes".

> The "examples" (really in-line code) uses ';' for argument separators, is that "normal"?

Can you give a page/line of what you're referring to?

> The displs description for MIP_Allgatherw uses some parenthesis not used in other displs descriptions.

Can you give a page/line of what you're referring to?

> There are various lists of collective routines on page 137 (5.2.2) that should now include the w versions we added?

Agreed -- all I see in there is MPI_IALLTOALLW.

> A general MPI problem (not specific to this ticket)... we often describe operations with the term: "specifying the number of elements to send to each processor".  But processor/rank should not be used interchangeably.  

True.  If you have a list of such places, I'd help with a ticket.

Jeff Squyres
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