[Mpi3-abi] ABI Working Group telecon

Jeff Brown jeffb at [hidden]
Wed Feb 13 11:17:46 CST 2008


I'd like to set up the ABI WG telecon.  Here's some times to choose 
from.  Please let me know your preference and I'll set it up and send 
out the number.

Wednesday February 20, 8:00 am PST, 17:00 CET
Thursday February 21, 8:00 am PST, 17:00 CET
Friday February 22, 8:00 am PST, 17:00 CET

We can schedule a follow-up telecon the next week if necessary.

Some items to address in the telecon (feel free to add to the list):
- what are we trying to accomplish? (lets make sure we are all on the 
same page)
- what do we mean by an "ABI"? (set the scope for our effort)
- status of the proposal document
- what do we want to have done by the March meeting?

Let's all take some time reviewing the document Alexander posted to 


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