[Mpi-forum] Weekly meetings of the Languages WG announcement (Resend)

Skjellum, Anthony askjellum at tntech.edu
Tue Feb 18 07:49:31 CST 2025

Dear colleagues:

Tim Uhl and I are convening meetings of the Languages WG, weekly at 10am US Eastern Time, and we will be sending an outlook invite to the group on Wednesday to give people a chance to join the mailing list before the invite goes out.

The current focus is strictly on C++.  If other languages interfaces are of interest, we think to hold additional meetings as warranted.

The C++ group that has informally convened thus far  is quite active and motivated, but we'd like more people to  join us.

Thank you,
Tony & Tim

PS We will make appropriate connections to the Fortran WG 🙂

Anthony Skjellum, PhD
Professor of Computer Science
Tennessee Technological University
email: askjellum at tntech.edu
cell: +1-205-807-4968

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