[Mpi-forum] Reading/Vote and Plenary Announcements for the Fault Tolerance WG

Wesley Bland work at wesbland.com
Wed Aug 25 10:49:18 CDT 2021

Hi all,

I'd like to make a couple of announcements on behalf of the Fault Tolerance
Working Group for the September meeting.

First, I've made a bunch of edits based on the feedback at the last meeting
for #283: Add MPI_Delete_error_class, MPI_Delete_error_code,
MPI_Delete_error_string <https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-issues/issues/283>
 (PR #166 <https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/pull/166>). The
changes here could be considered no-no changes, so I would like to present
it that way and continue with a first vote afterward. If there is pushback
on that, I'm also ok with re-reading the full proposal (since it's pretty
short) and calling it a reading with a first vote in December.

Secondly, the Fault Tolerance Working Group would like to give an updated
plenary about the state of the working group and what we've been working on
and our future plans. There won't be any reading associated with this, but
it will lead in to some readings we plan to do at future meetings.

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