[Mpi-forum] Reading: rule change about ballot times

Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) jsquyres at cisco.com
Mon May 23 22:06:33 CDT 2016

Per discussion at the last Forum meeting, Martin and I would like to read the proposed rules change at the Bellevue meeting:


Here's the old text:

    The dates/times for official ballots will
    not change after two weeks prior to the beginning of the meeting to
    allow attendees to schedule their travel appropriately.

Here's the new text:

    The dates/times for official ballots will
    allow attendees to schedule their travel appropriately,
    except upon unanimous agreement of all OOE organizations who have at least one individual
    registered for this physical MPI Forum meeting before the meeting started.  Upon such agreement,
    official ballots can only be moved to a different date/time within the same physical MPI Forum
    meeting, provided that the number of these organizations satisfies the meeting quorum

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
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