[Mpi-forum] MPI "Allocate receive" proposal

Jed Brown jedbrown at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Aug 26 17:00:47 CDT 2013

Dries Kimpe <dkimpe at mcs.anl.gov> writes:

> However, think about the cost of the straightforward implementation
> without MPI_Arecv.
> MPI_Send (count)
> MPI_Send (vector)

for i in target_ranks:

> Other side:
> MPI_Recv (count)
> malloc (count)
> MPI_Recv (...)

The control flow is more like:

for i in source_ranks:

while MPI_Waitsome(n,recvs):
  for s in first_round:
  for s in second_round:
    do the processing you would have done


> In the overall picture, the cost of the extra recv/send/MProbe call is
> going to be very minimal.

Agreed, my point was that MPI_Arecv may not address a lot of the cases
where it would initially seem to apply.  While it might be nice to
simplify the control flow, the proposal would be a lot stronger if it
included demonstration of a performance advantage.
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