[Mpi-forum] Meeting schedule for 2013

Richard Graham richardg at mellanox.com
Wed Sep 26 10:30:54 CDT 2012

Before I post the meeting schedule for 2013, I would like to raise the issue that came up on the last day of the meeting in Vienna.  We had voted to have 3 meetings in the US, and alternate between Asia and Japan on the forth one.  However, there has been quite a bit of concern since that this would harm the EuroMPI meeting, and given that this meeting played a big part in the reconvening of the forum in the first place, EuroMPI is the only meeting that is dedicated to MPI related topics, and the convenience of having the conference and forum at the same location.  I have talked with several folks since, and seems that many are in favor or reconsidering the decision.

Therefore, I propose to keep the European meeting of the Forum in conjunction with EuroMPI, and every other year also have a meeting in Japan.  With this in mind, here is the proposed schedule for 2012

March 14-16 in Kobe Japan  (the alternative date clashes with an SC planning meeting)
June 10-13 - Chicago
Sept 11-13, Madrid, Spain
Dec 9-12, Bay area, CA

Comments please.


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