[Mpi-forum] Voting in July (and beyond)

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at cisco.com
Thu Jun 14 08:04:58 CDT 2012

Regardless on the Japan voting mishap and the conversation that has occurred since then (most of which was here on the list), I don't think there's enough time to change voting rules for July.  

Hence, I intend to use the same voting rules that I have used previously: yes, no, and abstain have different meanings.  Votes pass if (num_yes_votes > num_no_votes).

Rich: please add an agenda item for Chicago to discuss potentially changing the voting rules for future meetings (e.g., good points were made about majority definitions, consensus / near-consensus definitions, etc.), and when/how to transition to new voting rules.

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
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