[Mpi-forum] MPI-3: MPI_T_ERR_... and MPI_ERR_LASTCODE

Bronis R. de Supinski bronis at llnl.gov
Mon Jul 23 17:24:39 CDT 2012

These are good points. I withdraw my agreement to the changes
until Martin or Rolf addresses them.

On Mon, 23 Jul 2012, Mohror, Kathryn wrote:

> I have some concerns over this.
>> The topic about user-callability of MPI_ERROR_CLASS and MPI_ERROR_STRING
>> outside of the initialized MPI should be revisited in MPI-3.1.
>> This is not evident for the tools' developers because they know
>> the meaning of their MPI_T_ERR... classes and only classes are returned.
> If we are going to treat MPI_T error codes the same way they are in the rest of the standard, does it make sense to say that "only classes are returned" by MPI_T calls? I think that MPI calls return codes and the codes are translated to classes by the MPI_ERROR_CLASS function.
> If MPI_ERROR_CLASS and MPI_ERROR_STRING are not available before MPI_Init, then this may be a hardship on tools. I imagine many tools doing a significant amount of set up before MPI_Init to avoid overhead. However, if there is no information about what the return codes mean, then tools may have difficulty.
> Possibly it makes more sense to treat MPI_T return values differently than MPI calls? Could the MPI_T return values be a set of defined codes instead?
> Does anyone have different insight on error codes vs classes?
> Kathryn
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: mpi-forum-bounces at lists.mpi-forum.org [mailto:mpi-forum-
>> bounces at lists.mpi-forum.org] On Behalf Of Bronis R. de Supinski
>> Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 10:37 AM
>> To: Main MPI Forum mailing list
>> Subject: Re: [Mpi-forum] MPI-3: MPI_T_ERR_... and MPI_ERR_LASTCODE
>> OK by me.
>> On Mon, 23 Jul 2012, Dave Goodell wrote:
>>> I agree, we should make these changes.
>>> -Dave
>>> On Jul 23, 2012, at 8:55 AM CDT, Schulz, Martin wrote:
>>>> Hi Rolf, all,
>>>> I agree with your suggestions and I am in favor of making these changes.
>> Bronis (as well as Kathryn and Dave as the remaining members in the chapter
>> committee for tools) should concur, though.
>>>> Anybody else have any concerns over these changes?
>>>> As for the callability of the error functions, I also agree - let's target those in
>> 3.1. This change is not vital and bit too big for final edits.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Martin
>>>> On Jul 23, 2012, at 4:00 AM, Rolf Rabenseifner wrote:
>>>>> Martin et al.,
>>>>> Consistently with your proposal, I would recommend:
>>>>> 1) Sect 14.3.9 "Return Codes for the MPI tool information interface"
>>>>> last sentence reads
>>>>>   All return codes with the prefix MPI_T_ must be unique values and
>>>>>   cannot overlap with any other return values returned by the MPI
>>>>>   implementation.
>>>>> but should read
>>>>>> All return codes with the prefix MPI_T_ must be unique values and
>>>>>> cannot overlap with any other
>>>>>   error codes and error classes
>>>>>> returned by the MPI
>>>>>> implementation. Further, they shall be treated as MPI error classes as
>>>>>> defined in Chapter 8.4 and follow the same rules and restrictions,
>>>>>   especially they must satisfy
>>>>>>>>>> 0 = MPI_SUCCESS < MPI_T_ERR_... \leq MPI_ERR_LASTCODE.
>>>>> 2) A.1.1 the first three tables are headed by
>>>>>  Error classes
>>>>>  Error classes (continued)
>>>>>  Return Codes for the MPI tool information interface
>>>>> and these lines should read
>>>>>  Error classes
>>>>>  Error classes (continued)
>>>>>  Error classes (continued)
>>>>> 3) The last line of A.1.1, 2nd table
>>>>> should move after the last MPI_T_ERR_... code in the 3rd table.
>>>>> Okay?
>>>>> The topic about user-callability of MPI_ERROR_CLASS and
>>>>> outside of the initialized MPI should be revisited in MPI-3.1.
>>>>> This is not evident for the tools' developers because they know
>>>>> the meaning of their MPI_T_ERR... classes and only classes are returned.
>>>>> I would like to have a final "okay" before I execute
>>>>> the changes in chap-appLang.
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Rolf
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Martin Schulz" <schulzm at llnl.gov>
>>>>>> To: "Main MPI Forum mailing list" <mpi-forum at lists.mpi-forum.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 1:23:40 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Mpi-forum] MPI-3: MPI_T_ERR_... and
>>>>>> Hi Rolf, all,
>>>>>> I thought we had discussed the error semantics of MPI_T in several
>>>>>> meetings/readings and nobody objected, but I generally agree with your
>>>>>> comments below. However, they are not really error classes (at least
>>>>>> in the tools group we/I never thought about them this way), but just
>>>>>> well defined return codes. Nevertheless, they fit the model and
>>>>>> semantics of classes and hence should integrated into the same rules
>>>>>> for consistency. I also agree with Bronis, though, that larger
>>>>>> feedback on this would be good to avoid errors because of rushing it.
>>>>>> To keep changes minimal, I would suggest that we only change the
>>>>>> following sentence, which IMHO is sufficient (and would essentially
>>>>>> follow option b):
>>>>>> All return codes with the prefix MPI_T_ must be unique values and
>>>>>> cannot overlap with any other return values returned by the MPI
>>>>>> implementation. Further, they shall be treated as MPI error classes as
>>>>>> defined in Chapter 8.4 and follow the same rules and restrictions.
>>>>>> This would also make changes in the appendix unnecessary.
>>>>>> As for making MPI_ERROR_CLASS and MPI_ERROR_STRING callable
>> before
>>>>>> Init (and then also after finalize), yes that would be very useful,
>>>>>> but is a general issue not only related to MPI_T. If we decide this is
>>>>>> too invasive at this point, I would like to see this at least in 3.1.
>>>>>> Martin
>>>>>> On Jul 22, 2012, at 1:46 PM, Rolf Rabenseifner wrote:
>>>>>>> About 1. question:
>>>>>>> I changed the headers of the three error code tables in the Annex
>>>>>>> according to Tables 8.1 and 8.2 from "Return codes"
>>>>>>> into "Error classes".
>>>>>>> svn r1505: I used also "Error classes" for the tools table
>>>>>>> svn r1507: I went back to the official ticket 266 text "Return
>>>>>>> codes"
>>>>>>> The Tools group should decide whether
>>>>>>> a. they want to stay with special return codes that are not
>>>>>>> part of the rule in Set. 8.4
>>>>>>> In this case they should change "return code"
>>>>>>> into "error codes are returned" plus noting that
>>>>>>> the routine MPI_ERROR_STRING can be applied
>>>>>>> with the open question, whether MPI_EEROR_STRING
>>>>>>> can be applied before a call to MPI_INIT.
>>>>>>> Similar problem with failed MPI_INIT and analysing its
>>>>>>> returned error code:
>>>>>>> One needs at least MPI_ERROR_CLASS and MPI_ERROR_STRING
>>>>>>> callable before MPI_INIT.
>>>>>>> b. or you may use the same terminology as in Sect. 8.4,
>>>>>>> then new table 14.5 must show "Error classes".
>>>>>>> In this case you should integrate the MPI_T_ERR_...
>>>>>>> into the MPI_ERR_LASTCODE rule.
>>>>>>> You need at least MPI_ERROR_CLASS and MPI_ERROR_STRING
>>>>>>> callable before MPI_INIT.
>>>>>>> I would prefer solution b together combined with the
>>>>>>> minimal solution for failed MPI_INIT, i.e.,
>>>>>>> adding MPI_ERROR_CLASS and MPI_ERROR_STRING to
>>>>>>> the list of routines callable outside of MPI's
>>>>>>> initialization.
>>>>>>> About 2. question: MPI_T_ERR_CANTINIT -_>
>>>>>>> svn r1506: done by Bronis in chap-tools/mpit.tex
>>>>>>> svn r1508: done by Rolf in chap-appLang/appLang-Const.tex
>>>>>>> Rolf
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>> From: "Bronis R. de Supinski" <bronis at llnl.gov>
>>>>>>>> To: "Main MPI Forum mailing list" <mpi-forum at lists.mpi-forum.org>
>>>>>>>> Cc: "Rolf Rabenseifner" <rabenseifner at hlrs.de>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 10:03:44 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Mpi-forum] MPI-3: MPI_T_ERR_... and
>>>>>>>> Rolf:
>>>>>>>> OK, I am changing MPI_T_ERR_CANTINIT to
>>>>>>>> As said before, we need more opinions on the first question.
>>>>>>>> Bronis
>>>>>>>> On Sun, 22 Jul 2012, Bronis R. de Supinski wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Rolf:
>>>>>>>>> Re:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Bronis, Martin, Dave, and Kathryn,
>>>>>>>>>> (Profiling/Tools chapter responsibles)
>>>>>>>>>> (you may forward this to the tools list - I'm not on that list)
>>>>>>>>>> Two important questions:
>>>>>>>>>> 1. Alexander Supalov detected that we did it wrong:
>>>>>>>>>> The MPI_T_ERR_... list must be part of the total error
>>>>>>>>>> list and sorted in before MPI_ERR_LASTCODE.
>>>>>>>>>> I will change this in chap-appLang/appLang-Const.tex
>>>>>>>>>> Please look, if there must be some additional wording on this.
>>>>>>>>>> For example, the last sentence of Section 14.3.9
>>>>>>>>>> "All return codes with the prefix MPI_T_ must be unique values
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> cannot overlap with any other return values returned by the MPI
>>>>>>>>>> implementation."
>>>>>>>>> The above wording clearly states that the return values
>>>>>>>>> should be consistent with MPI_ERR_* return values. So,
>>>>>>>>> either the above wording needs to change (I do not see
>>>>>>>>> why MPI_T_* return values need to be distinct from
>>>>>>>>> MPI_ERR_* return values since the user should know that
>>>>>>>>> they were using an MPI_T_* function) or we need to adopt
>>>>>>>>> something like what you suggest.
>>>>>>>>> I think we need broader opinions to make the decision.
>>>>>>>>> I am concerned that wrapping up the document for MPI 3.0
>>>>>>>>> has led to a fast and loose attitude about making broader
>>>>>>>>> changes "in order to get it done." This attitude can
>>>>>>>>> easily lead to suboptimal solutions.
>>>>>>>>> Bronis
>>>>>>>>>> may be modified into
>>>>>>>>>> "All return codes with the prefix MPI_T_ must be unique values
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> cannot overlap with any other return values returned by the MPI
>>>>>>>>>> implementation and satisfy
>>>>>>>>>> 0 = MPI_SUCCESS < MPI_T_ERR_... <= MPI_ERR_LASTCODE. "
>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>> 0 = MPI_SUCCESS < MPI_ERR_... < MPI_T_ERR_... <=
>>>>>>>>>> MPI_ERR_LASTCODE.
>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>> 0 = MPI_SUCCESS < MPI_ERR_... <= MPI_ERR_LASTCODE <
>>>>>>>>>> MPI_T_ERR_... <= MPI_T_ERR_LASTCODE.
>>>>>>>>>> and the MPI_ERR_LASTCODE and/or MPI_T_ERR_LASTCODE may
>> be also
>>>>>>>>>> repeated
>>>>>>>>>> in Table 14.5 as last entry, as done for the first value
>>>>>>>>>> MPI_SUCCESS.
>>>>>>>>>> This proposal is based on Section 8.4, the sentence
>>>>>>>>>> "The error codes satisfy,
>>>>>>>>>> 0 = MPI_SUCCESS < MPI_ERR_... <= MPI_ERR_LASTCODE: "
>>>>>>>>>> Please confirm, that Alexander is right,
>>>>>>>>>> please include me in your discussion and
>>>>>>>>>> please tell me your result
>>>>>>>>>> that I can do the correct changes in chap-appLang
>>>>>>>>>> and you in chap-tools.
>>>>>>>>>> 2. Qeustion is less important; it is about naming:
>>>>>>>>>> Alexander also noticed that your names do not fit to the names
>>>>>>>>>> used in the past:
>>>>>>>>>> MPI_T_ERR_CANTINIT --> MPI_T_ERR_CANNOTINIT (we do not use
>>>>>>>>>> abbrevations)
>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>> MPI_T_ERR_CANTINIT --> MPI_T_ERR_CANNOT_INIT (we do not
>> use
>>>>>>>>>> abbrevations)
>>>>>>>>>> In most cases, we do not combine words without underscore.
>>>>>>>>>> As far as I see, you can do the underscores.
>>>>>>>>>> Be sure to stay at maximum with 30 characters.
>>>>>>>>>> Current longest MPI_T constants:
>>>>>>>>>> 123456789012345678901234567890
>>>>>>>>>> Based on this, I would stay with you names based on your MPI_T
>>>>>>>>>> rule:
>>>>>>>>>> MPI_T_<structual-areas-with-underscores>_<final-name-without-
>> underscores>
>>>>>>>>>> i.e., I would only change
>>>>>>>>>> Please tell me also your decision
>>>>>>>>>> that I can do the correct changes in chap-appLang
>>>>>>>>>> and you in chap-tools.
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>>>>>> Rolf
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email
>>>>>>>>>> rabenseifner at hlrs.de
>>>>>>>>>> High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone
>>>>>>>>>> ++49(0)711/685-65530
>>>>>>>>>> University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 /
>>>>>>>>>> 685-65832
>>>>>>>>>> Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . .
>>>>>>>>>> www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
>>>>>>>>>> Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring
>>>>>>>>>> 30)
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>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email
>>>>>>> rabenseifner at hlrs.de
>>>>>>> High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone
>>>>>>> ++49(0)711/685-65530
>>>>>>> University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 /
>>>>>>> 685-65832
>>>>>>> Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . .
>>>>>>> www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
>>>>>>> Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring 30)
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>> __
>>>>>> Martin Schulz, schulzm at llnl.gov, http://people.llnl.gov/schulzm
>>>>>> CASC @ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, USA
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email rabenseifner at hlrs.de
>>>>> High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-
>> 65530
>>>>> University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 / 685-65832
>>>>> Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . . www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
>>>>> Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring 30)
>> ______________________________________________________________________
>> __
>>>> Martin Schulz, schulzm at llnl.gov, http://people.llnl.gov/schulzm
>>>> CASC @ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, USA
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