[Mpi-forum] Final document of the night

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at cisco.com
Thu Jul 19 07:24:51 CDT 2012

Yesterday at the Forum, we utilized the power of having a few dozen people sitting together in a room and did a LOT of text/ticket/chapter reviews.  This resulted in finding a LOT of little issues (and a few big ones).  If chapter committee members were in the room, they fixed and committed the text.  But for committees that had no representatives in the room, we made the executive decision to make the fixes ourselves, review them, and then commit them.  

This really helped keep the momentum going, and we made a TREMENDOUS amount of progress yesterday.  I apologize if this caused some consternation to chapter authors/committees who were not in the room.  

### Please review SVN commit logs and ensure that everything is ok in your chapter.

### Chapter committees *NEED* to do whole-chapter reviews to ensure that everything is a good, consistent state.  As Bill mentioned, use the "cleandoc" build.

*** To those who were in the room: Thank you thank you thank you for all the reviewing yesterday!

I have uploaded a final cleandoc PDF from last night:


Here's the specific items I'm aware of that still need to be done (I'm sure there are other things, too):

1. The names and organizations in the front matter need to be updated (I sent Bill the info yesterday)
2. Change log is still being edited (there's still lots of issues with it; don't bother reviewing it until Rolf has committed a new version)
3. There's 1 last C++ type still showing up in the index; Rolf will fix it
4. Ticket #313
5. Chapter committees need to have final chapter reviews and bless their chapters as "done!"

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
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