[Mpi-forum] New Fortran bindings - Final reviews for formal first reading in Santorini

Rolf Rabenseifner rabenseifner at hlrs.de
Thu Sep 8 15:58:01 CDT 2011

Dear reviewers,
  - chapter editors
  - dedicated Fortran reviewers
  - owners of MPI-3.0 tickets who want to get the tickets into MPI-3.0 

Many thanks for the pre-reviews especially to
Jeff, Reinhold, Craig, Hubert, Puri, Martin, Rajeev, Darius, George, Bill, and Bronis. 

My apologies that I had to few time for answering individually.

All (or nearly all) is included in this final version.
I expect there are still bugs but I hope that we can get them fixed
after your final reviews in a new ticket.

This version should go into your reviews, in the formal reading
and through the two votes.

All files are attached to the ticket 

The review should be based only on the latest pdf-files from 2011-09-08.
The content of the tickets is not updated, it tells only some reasons 
in a very early state. Some of these reasons are now rationales
in the document. 

Please finish your review on the day before the meeting starts,
i.e., not later than 

               September 21.

Most of you are responsible for one or more chapters.
If you do not speak Fortran, I expect, that you organized
already a colleague who assists you in reviewing.

If new MPI-3 tickets will go into your chapter,
you should also review Annex B.4 that contains already 
interfaces for those tickets.

Special Fortran reviewers:
  "Jeff Squyres" <jsquyres at cisco.com>; 
  "Craig E Rasmussen" <rasmussn at lanl.gov>; 
  "Hubert Ritzdorf" <Hubert.Ritzdorf at EMEA.NEC.COM>; 
  "Purushotham Bangalore" <puri at cis.uab.edu>; 
  "Bill Gropp" <wgropp at uiuc.edu>; 
  "Reinhold Bader" <Reinhold.Bader at lrz.de>
Chapter authors from
- Front matter : Bill Gropp
- Introduction : Bill Gropp
- Terms and Definitions : Rolf Rabenseifner 
- Point-to-Point Communication : Richard Graham
- Datatypes: George Bosilca
- Collective Communication : Adam Moody, Torsten Hoefler, Yutaka Ishikawa, Hideyuki Jitsumoto 
                             Who is responsible? 
- Process Topologies : Torsten Hoefler
- Groups, Contexts, and Communicators : Bill Gropp
- Environmental Management : George Bosilca
- Info-Object : Darius Buntinas 
- Process Creation and Management : David Solt
- One-Sided Communications : Bill Gropp + Rajeev Thakur
- External Interfaces : Bronis R. de Supinski 
- I/O : Rajeev Thakur(c)
- Profiling interface : Bronis R. de Supinski + Martin Schulz 
- Deprecated Functions : Rolf Rabenseifner
- Language Bindings : Jeffrey M. Squyres
- Annex Language Bindings Summary : Rolf Rabenseifner
- Annex Change-Log : Rolf Rabenseifner
- Bibliography : Bill Gropp 
New ticket owners - please review Annex B.4

Best regards

Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email rabenseifner at hlrs.de
High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-65530
University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 / 685-65832
Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . . www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring 30)

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