[Mpi-forum] MPI-3 gating features vote results

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at cisco.com
Mon May 23 06:57:20 CDT 2011

18 of 23 eligible organizations voted

Remember, these are only the *gating* features for MPI-3.  Other features can (and likely will) certainly make it in.  We are basically declaring that these features set the clock for MPI-3's release.

There is a tie for 3rd place.  Scores, in order:

14: RMA
 8: FT stabilization
 7: MPIT
 7: Neighborhood collectives

Other scores:

 6: Non-blocking collective IO
 4: Hybrid
 4: Fortran 08 bindings
 2: Persistence
 2: MPI_Count
 0: Const

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
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