[Mpi-forum] ticket process clarification

Fab Tillier ftillier at microsoft.com
Thu Jun 23 18:28:32 CDT 2011

Hi Folks,

Torsten recently pointed me to the standardization process document for MPI-3.0, available here: http://meetings.mpi-forum.org/standardization_process_3.pdf

In the 'process for adding new functionality to the standard' section of the document:
- there is no requirement for change-log entries in individual tickets, only for the final chapter review.
- there is no requirement for a 2 week notice for PDF files to be available before a formal reading.  There is a 1 week notice requirement for the final chapter review.
- there is no definition for requirements for voting other than passing a formal reading.  Do chapter authors need to sign off?  Do chapter committees need to sign off?  Or has the Forum as a whole signed off by the mere fact that the change passed its formal reading?
- there is no definition for how soon before the voting process an implementation, if required, should be available.  Is an implementation required before the 1st vote, or only before the 2nd?

In the 'final chapter vote' requirements:
-  How can changes that have not yet been approved be part of the final chapter vote?  (second bullet)

It would be great to clarify these issues in the document, so as to make ticket authoring less painful than it currently is.


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