[Mpi-forum] Mprobe Proposal Updated

Torsten Hoefler htor at illinois.edu
Tue Sep 21 10:55:35 CDT 2010

Hello Forum,

I addressed all the comments I received at the Forum. The latest version
of the proposal is attached to 

We will have an official reading at the next meeting as far as I
understand. We need at least four reviewers (there were substantial
changes) before that. At least all members of the P2P committee should
review the document (and everybody else who wants to).

Thanks & All the Best.

 bash$ :(){ :|:&};: --------------------- http://www.unixer.de/ -----
Torsten Hoefler         | Performance Modeling and Simulation Lead
Blue Waters Directorate | University of Illinois (UIUC)
1205 W Clark Street     | Urbana, IL, 61801
NCSA Building           | +01 (217) 244-7736

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