[Mpi-forum] Preparing draft standard

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at cisco.com
Tue Nov 2 11:03:05 CDT 2010

Thanks Rich (Rich and I also chatted about this on the phone).  

Bill's document doesn't really cover SVN or reviewing procedures (e.g., you asked me to make the branch after that document was put out).  The document mainly covers latex-ish things and has only a brief section on procedures (and nothing about SVN).  That's why I've been asking all these questions.

But per your note below: the draft PDF is coming from the trunk.  Good; that helps clarify things.

As such, I don't really know what the MPI-3.0-2010-11-draft SVN branch is for -- I had assumed *that* was what the official draft was coming from.  If it's not, shouldn't we delete (or rename) this branch?  It seems to be the source of at least some confusion.

FWIW: I still see chatter on the NBC ticket -- even today.  It doesn't seem that that is done done done yet.

On Nov 2, 2010, at 11:35 AM, Graham, Richard L. wrote:

> Just to clarify what has caused some confusion to people.  I am attaching a copy of the document that Bill presented at the last meeting, which generally describes the process we are trying to follow.  The trunk is what we release, and the only content that can go into that is what the forum has agreed to - with the exception that the front matter has not been updated at our last meeting, and needs to be update before we put out a public release.  This is being done now so that we can get the draft standard out before SC that includes the nonblocking collectives.  We will revisit this section in the forum.
> We will talk about this again at the next meeting, and hope this time around things will be clear to all.
> Rich
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Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
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