[Mpi-22] [MPI Forum] #109: Nonblocking Collective Operations

Rolf Rabenseifner rabenseifner at [hidden]
Wed Nov 3 03:55:49 CDT 2010


the corrections are based on the primary rule that the job of the 
chapter committee is to guarantee that a new functionality is 
included in the document in a consistent way.
This was done. This was not a correction of the functionality 
of the nonblocking collective communications.
Ticket 109 is the only one that was included and only for this
ticket, such consistency checks had to be done.
For all other chapters, the rule is "only typo and formatting corrections".


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Torsten Hoefler" <htor_at_[hidden]>
> To: "Bronis R. de Supinski" <bronis_at_[hidden]>, "MPI 2.2" <mpi-22_at_[hidden]>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 2, 2010 6:31:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [Mpi-22] [MPI Forum] #109: Nonblocking Collective Operations
> Bronis,
> > It really seems to me that these changes exceed
> > the guidelines that Rich and Bill have given
> > for the release draft. While I understand the
> > reasoon behind them, it is unclear that we will
> > have reviewed them properly. For example, I think
> > the wording below could use work.
> This is a clear error and can cause significant confusion on the
> user's
> and implementer's side. Most of the text is copied from the
> point-to-point section and is thus consistent with the remainder of
> the
> document (even though I don't like the wording there ("should") at
> all!).
> > I am in transit to ANL right now so I cannot go
> > over it properly until at least tonight...
> Please take your time and check. We are not intending to rush.
> > Even then, this feels rushed.
> I don't think there is rush. We can release the document without this
> fix (with a known bug). That's why I commit each item separately.
> However, I'm against a release with bugs but that's not my decision.
> Thanks,
> Torsten
> --
> bash$ :(){ :|:&};: --------------------- http://www.unixer.de/ -----
> Torsten Hoefler | Performance Modeling and Simulation Lead
> Blue Waters Directorate | University of Illinois (UIUC)
> 1205 W Clark Street | Urbana, IL, 61801
> NCSA Building | +01 (217) 244-7736
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Dr. Rolf Rabenseifner . . . . . . . . . .. email rabenseifner_at_[hidden]
High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) . phone ++49(0)711/685-65530
University of Stuttgart . . . . . . . . .. fax ++49(0)711 / 685-65832
Head of Dpmt Parallel Computing . . . www.hlrs.de/people/rabenseifner
Nobelstr. 19, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany . (Office: Allmandring 30)

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