[Mpi-22] Another MPI-2.2 attribute ambiguity?

Solt, David George david.solt at [hidden]
Thu Apr 16 16:09:39 CDT 2009

We do have an internal copy of the Intel MPI tests.   We also down loaded a more recent copy for comparison.   In both cases I do not see code in MPI_KEYVAL1_F that would differentiate between the two interpretations.   All of the tests seem to follow the following general pattern:

   CALL MPI_COMM_SET_ATTR(comm, keyval, ATTR, ierr)
<ATTR is not changed> 
   CALL MPI_COMM_GET_ATTR(comm, keyval, ATTR, flag, ierr)

<test flag or test if ATTR is MPIKEYVAL_ME>


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Squyres [mailto:jsquyres_at_[hidden]] 
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 9:35 AM
To: Solt, David George
Cc: MPI 2.2; Rajeev Thakur; William Gropp; Rolf Rabenseifner; Hubert Ritzdorf; Terry Dontje; Dave Goodell; Darius Buntinas; Pavan Balaji; Alexander Supalov; Bronis de Supinski; Hans Westgaard Ry; Håkon Bugge
Subject: Re: Another MPI-2.2 attribute ambiguity?

On Apr 16, 2009, at 10:29 AM, Solt, David George wrote:

> HP-MPI does #2.
> What if the address of the variable originally passed in is no longer 
> in scope when the corresponding comm_get_attr call is made?

Ya, that can be a problem.

Do you have an internal copy of the Intel MPI tests?  What does  
MPI_KEYVAL1_F do?  Ours checks that the value of a global variable has  
been changed by the callbacks.

I think that's why we coded it up in Open MPI this way, but I'm not  
sure (that was a long time ago).

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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