[Mpi-22] Friendly reminder: tickets!!

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at [hidden]
Tue Oct 14 06:49:51 CDT 2008

As Bill indicated previously, your proposal won't be discussed next  
week unless your proposal has been turned into a ticket.  Please  
convert them!  Instructions:


The authors listed below have proposals that have not yet been  
converted into tickets (pulled from the MpiTwoTwoWikiPage page):

- Erez Haba
- Dick Treumann
- Adam Moody
- Rolf Rabenseifner
- Hubert Ritzdorf
- Rajeev Thakur
- Douglas Gregor
- Quincey Koziol
- Rainer Keller
- Dries Kimpe
- David Solt
- Jesper Larsson Träff
- Martin Schulz
- Pavan Balaji
- William Gropp

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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