[mpiwg-rma] RMA chapter review: please review fixes; no meeting today

Joseph Schuchart schuchart at icl.utk.edu
Thu Sep 21 08:18:06 CDT 2023


We've had the MPI Forum meeting last week and have the chapter reviews 
from other Forum members in. There were a bunch of minor changes that 
should be easy to take on [1] (starting at Line 187). I will try to fix 
them this week. Some of them were already addressed in the CC review PR 
[2] so this should be easy.

I don't think we need a meeting over this so I suggest to skip today's 

There are three PRs I've opened so far to address what I think are the 
most important issues. I would appreciate some reviews by the WG/CC: 
(ordered by importance)

1) MPI_REQUEST_FREE is not allowed to clean up RMA requests: when 
changed the chapter to adapt to the MPI terms we added that 
MPI_REQUEST_FREE could be used to release a request after the operation 
is known to be completed (i.e., after a flush). However, that collides 
with a statement in the above paragraph that MPI_REQUEST_FREE is not 
permitted on RMA requests. This is somewhat annoying but I am hesitant 
to change the restriction that late in the 4.1 cycle. The proposed fix 
is to remove the use of MPI_REQUEST_FREE from the list of procedures 
used to release the request: 

2) Remove some explicit mention of MPI-2: there are still explicit 
mentions of MPI-2 in the text chapter, which is clearly outdated. The 
proposed fix is to rephrase the text to refer to MPI-2 window creation 
procedures as the "previously described window creation procedures" 
since they appear before the dynamic window creation procedure in the 
text: https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/pull/905

3) MPI_REPLACE and MPI_NO_OP are not new but additional operators: this 
is a rather minor issue but it warrants a fix. The suggested fix is to 
replace "new" with "additional": 

Thanks for looking at them. The timeline is tight because all changes 
for 4.1 must be finalized by September 26. Most of the remaining issues 
can probably be wrapped up into a single PR and I will send out the link 
once I have that up.

Many thanks

[2] https://github.com/mpi-forum/mpi-standard/pull/857

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