[Mpi-forum] MPI Forum Officer Nominations & October Reading Announcements

Wes Bland work at wesbland.com
Tue Sep 26 10:50:57 CDT 2023

Hi all,

Another reminder that nominations for MPI Forum officers opened at the end of the last meeting and will stay open until October 17th. I’ll post them on the agenda page for the upcoming meeting as I get them.


Please send nominations to this mailing list. I’ll go ahead and point to the nominations that Jeff Hammond posted on the Slack channel for the current slate of officers to continue in their positions. Those have already been put on the website. If you’d like to familiarize yourself with the job descriptions, you can find them in the procedures doc (https://www.mpi-forum.org/docs/other/procedures-34.pdf) or reach out to the current office holders for more details.

In addition, I’m going to help out a bit with reading announcements for the October meeting. Because there are going to be a large number of relatively small issues/PRs for this meeting and we’re dealing with them a little differently by merging them early, I’m going ahead and adding them to the agenda as they are merged. Therefore, if you have an issue for the MPI 4.1 RC, you don’t need to announce it as long as you see it on the agenda page above (and everyone should consider anything on that page as having been announced).

If anyone has readings that aren’t based on MPI 4.1 fixes (things for 4.2 or 5.0), please announce them as usual. I would imagine that we’ll have time to do additional readings after we finish our MPI 4.1 business.

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