[mpiwg-tools] Integration git branch

Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) jsquyres at cisco.com
Thu Oct 15 12:50:25 CDT 2015

Per discussions on this list, I created an integration git branch in the mpir repo (since I have an outstanding PR).

The repo now has 2 main branches:

- mpir-1.x: this is basically a mirror of mpi-forum/mpir/mpir-1.x
- mpir-1.x-integration: the branch against which we file PRs

It's like "option 2" in this wiki page:


(note, that set of wiki pages isn't final final final yet, meaning that we haven't mailed it out to the greater Forum yet, but it's close.  The Tools WG git repo discussions were quite helpful in shaping up those wiki pages)

Jeff Squyres
jsquyres at cisco.com
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